Να καταστεί το Ι.ΜΕΤ. ο κύριος και συνεκτικός Πόλος Έρευνας στις Μεταφορές, τη Βιώσιμη Κινητικότητα και τον Τουρισμό στην Ελλάδα και μέσα στους 10 καλύτερους κόμβους τεχνολογίας και τεχνογνωσίας στην Ευρώπη.


  1. Amditis, A., Kaiser-Dieckhoff, U., Polychronopoulos A., Miglietta M., Bekiaris, E. “Integrated drivers’ lateral support system: the lateral safe project”, Conference ITS Europe 2004, Hannover.
  2. Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M. “IST tools development for the advanced training of the dangerous goods drivers and trainers”, Conference ITS Europe 2004, Hannover, 2004
  3. Giannopoulos, G.A. and Aifandopolou-Klimis G., (2004), “The Inland Maritime Transport in Greece after the lifting of the Cabotage and Full Liberalisation – Part I: The Situation “Before”, and Expected Impacts”, Transport Reviews, Volume 24 – Issue 4, July 2004.
  4. Giannopoulos, G.A., (2004), “Towards a Common Surface Transport Policy for S.E. Europe”, Transition Studies Review, Volume 11, No 3, 2004, Central Eastern European Universities Network. Also published in electronic form in the electronic version of Transition Studies Review by Springer (publishers) at: http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s11300-004-0016-
  5. Giannopoulos, G.A., Durr, E. (2004), “SITS: A system for uniform Intermodal Freight Transport Information Exchange”, International Journal of Transport Management 1 (2003), p.175-186, accepted 8 January 2004.
  6. Sommer, S., Bekiaris, E. & Panou, M., “The AGILE project: an interdisciplinary European research project for the development of a new older driver assessment 29 and rehabilitation system”, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, Vol. 27, Supplement 1, pp. 71 – 72, 2004
  7. Sommer, S., Falkmer, T., Bekiaris, E. & Panou, M., “Toward a client-centred approach to Fitness-to-Drive Assessment of Elderly Drivers”, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2004
  8. Tyrinopoulos Y., “A Complete Conceptual Model for the Integrated Management of the Transportation Work”, Journal of Public Transportation published by the National Center for Transit Research at the University of South Florida, Volume 7, No. 4, 2004.


  1. Bekiaris A., Nikolaou S. “Advanced sensor technologies for industrial applications - The European Project SENSATION”, SCI 2004 Conference, Orlando – USA, 18-21 July 2004.
  2. Bekiaris A., Nikolaou S. “Sensors for driver monitoring: Current limitations and towards new sensor concepts”, ITS Europe 2004 Congress, Budapest – Hungary, 24-26 May 2004.
  3. Bekiaris E. “ADAS risk assessment: Safety methods and countermeasures”, 4th ITS in Europe Congress, Budapest – Hungary, 24-26 May 2004.
  4. Bekiaris E., Mizaras V., Kauber M., Spanoudakis N. “Integrated, Interoperable and Multimodal Location-based ITS Services”, European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Budapest – Hungary, October 2004.
  5. Bekiaris E., Panou M. "ITS as a Tool Towards Forgiving and Self-explanatory Road Infrastructure", European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Budapest – Hungary, 24-26 May 2004.
  6. Bekiaris E., Panou M., Foerst K., Falkmer T. & Sommer S. “The use of driving simulator and adequate scenarios as a means to assess the driving ability of elderly drivers”, Driving Simulation Conference 2004, Paris – France, 2004.
  7. Boilé M., Mikiki F., “Environmental impact of maritime transport: call for actions”, 10th World Conference on Transportation Research 2004, Istanbul, July 2004
  8. Dr. E. Bekiaris, A. Tsioutras, Dr. F. Stergiopoulos, M. Panou. “Development of a novel center of excellence on driver behavior issues in S.E. Europe”, 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, 26-27 February 2004.
  9. Faburel G., Mikiki F., “Valuation of aircraft noise social costs: policy and science implications”, World Conference on Transportation Research 2004, Istanbul, July 2004 31
  10. G. Giannopoulos, P. Papaioannou, Μ. Morfoulaki, “Quality and benchmarking of public transport systems: Customer satisfaction survey in Thessaloniki”, 10th WCTR, July 2004.
  11. Giannopoulos, G.A, (2004), “Opportunities and prospects”, 10th World Conference on Transportation Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2004.
  12. Giannopoulos, G.A, (2004), “Towards a new national transport for Greece in the light of its new geopolitical importance”, 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, 26-27 February 2004, Institute of Transportation Engineers (SES) - Hellenic Institute of Transport, (HIT), Athens 2004.
  13. Giannopoulos, G.A. and Aifadopoulou-Klimis G., (2004), «Analysis of the System of “unprofitable” lines in the Aegean sea», 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, 26-27 February 2004.
  14. Giannopoulos, G.A. and Aifandopoulou-Klimis G., (2004), “ Monitoring and Forecasting the Impacts in the New Maritime Transport System in the Aegean Sea-Greece, Under the New Liberalized Regime”, 10th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Istanbul 2004
  15. Giannopoulos, G.A. and Aifandopoulou-Klimis G., (2004), “Mobile Internet Applications for Freight Transport Operation: The “Gifts” Platform”, 10th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Istanbul 2004.
  16. Giannopoulos, G.A., (2004), “Integrating Research in Eastern Europe: The case of Transport Research”, Mobilita ’04 Conference, Technical University of Slovakia, Bratislava, 2004.
  17. Giannopoulos, G.A., (2004), “Re-Balancing Surface Transport in S.E. Europe: Opportunities and Prospects”, 10th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Istanbul 2004. 30
  18. Giannopoulos, G.A., (2004), “The demand for transport and the outlook for the consumption of energy”, Sustainability – Energy in Transport, Economics University of Athens, April 2004.
  19. Giannopoulos, G.A., (2004), “The prospects for Combined Transport in Greece today”, Journal “Warehouse and Transport”, May 2004.
  20. Giannopoulos, G.A., Koukouloudi, E. and Georgiadis, K., 2004, “Integrated multimodal freight solution – from research to practice”, 10th World Conference on Transportation Research, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2004.
  21. Marberger C., Dangelmaier M., Bekiaris E., Nikolaou S. “User centred HMI development for the AWAKE vigilance monitoring system”, FISITA 2004, World Automotive Congress, Barcelona – Spain, 23-27 May 2004.
  22. Mikiki F., Faburel G., Internalization of aircraft noise social cost for a better insertion of airports in their host areas: beyond the technical issues, 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, 26-27 February 2004.
  23. Mizarasm V., Aifadopoulou G., A. Bekiaris, C. Holm, “Location based Multi-modal Transport information services based on the use of intelligent software techniques”, 10th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2004), Istanbul – Turkey, July 2004.
  24. Muzet A., Pebayle T., Otmani S., Peters B., Bekiaris E., Nikolaou S. “Driver drowsiness at the wheel: can steering grip sensor measurement contribute to its prediction?”, 4th ITS in Europe Congress and Exhibition, Budapest – Hungary, 24-26 May 2004.
  25. P. Papaioannou, Μ. Morfoulaki, G. Giannopoulos, “Public transport customer satisfaction in Thessaloniki”, 9th International Scientific Conference MOBILITA ´04, Bratislava, May 6 – 7, 2004.
  26. Polychronopoulos A., Amditis, A., Bekiaris E. “Information data flow in AWAKE multi-sensor driver monitoring system”, Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2004, Parma – Italy, 14-17 June 2004.
  27. Sommer S., Bekiaris E., Panou M. “The AGILE Project: An Interdisciplinary European Research Project for the Development of a New Older Driver Assessment and Rehabilitation System”, 8th Congress of the European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation, Ljubljana – Slovenia, 13-17 June 2004.
  28. Tyrinopoulos Y., “Information Systems Integration in Urban Public Transport and its contribution to the welfare of Public Transport Providers and the improvement of the provided services”. 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, 26-27 February 2004.
  29. Y. Tyrinopoulos, Μ. Shinakis, G. Giannopoulos, “Key elements towards Freight Transport and Traffic integration – The contribution of the Multimodal Freight Functional Framework”. 10th WCTR 2004 Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-8 July 2004.
  30. Μ. Boile, Μ. Morfoulaki, F. Mikiki, “Develop a Training Program to Improve Work Zone Safety”, 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, 26-27 February 2004.
  31. Μ. Theologidou, Y. Tyrinopoulos, G. Aifadopoulou, “Quality Control Indicators for the passenger services provided by Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA)”. 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, 26-27 February 2004.
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