Να καταστεί το Ι.ΜΕΤ. ο κύριος και συνεκτικός Πόλος Έρευνας στις Μεταφορές, τη Βιώσιμη Κινητικότητα και τον Τουρισμό στην Ελλάδα και μέσα στους 10 καλύτερους κόμβους τεχνολογίας και τεχνογνωσίας στην Ευρώπη.


  • Aggelakakis, A., Anagnostopoulou, A., Tromaras, A., and Boile, M. (2018). Influence of traffic emissions on urban air quality: a case study of a medium sized city, in Nathanail, E., and Karakikes, I. (Eds.) Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility, Springer, vol. 879, pp 323-329.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Bratsas, Ch., Koupidis, K., Chatzopoulou, A., Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P. (2018). Short-Term Prediction of the Traffic Status in Urban Places Using Neural Network Models. Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility.Chapter No: 22. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-02305-8_22]
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P., Stamos, I., Mitsakis, E. (2018). Big and open data supporting sustainable mobility in smart cities – the case of Thessaloniki. Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility. Chapter No: 47. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-02305-8_47]
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Stamos, I., Giannini, M., Salanova, J. M. (2018). Diagnostic of the European logistics and road freight transportation sector. Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility. Chapter No: 78. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-02305-8_78]
  • Anagnostopoulou, A., Boile, M. (2018) Environmental aspects of urban freight movement in private sector, in Nathanail, E., and Karakikes, I. (Eds.) Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility, Springer, vol. 879, pp 607-613.
  • Chalkia, E., Sdoukopoulos, E., Bekiaris, E. (2018) “Risk analysis of innovative maritime transport solutions using the extended Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology”, In C. Guedes Soares & T.A. Santos (Eds.), Progress in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Chapter: ‘Risk analysis’, pp. 491-498, London: CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 978-1-138-58539-3
  • Hyangsook, L., Boile, M., Theofanis, S. (2018) IGI Global.Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice. Chapter 11: Modeling Carrier Interactions in an International Freight Transport System. Pp 234 – 263.
  • Myrovali, G., Tsaples, G., Morfoulaki, M., Aifadopoulou, G., Papathanasiou, J. (2018), An Interactive Learning Environment Based on System Dynamics Methodology for Sustainable Mobility Challenges Communication & Citizens’ Engagement, Chapter · January 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-90315-6_8, In book: Decision Support Systems VIII: Sustainable Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Decision Support, pp.88-99, ISBN 978-3-319-90314-9
  • Papadimitriou, S., Lyridis, D.V., Koliousis, I., Tsioumas, V., Sdoukopoulos, E., Stavroulakis, P.J. (2018) “The Dynamics of Short Sea Shipping: New Practices and Trends”, Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics), ISBN: 978-3-319-98044-7 (eBook), 978-3-319-98043-0 (Hardcover), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98044-7.



  • Aifadopoulou, G., Chaniotakis, E., Stamos, I., Mamarikas, S., Mitsakis, E. (2018) An Intelligent Decision Support System for Managing Natural and Man-made Disasters, International Journal of Decision Support Systems.
  • Anagnostopoulou, A., Aggelakakis, A., Boile, M., Hijdra, A., Werland, S., Shrestha, S., Lah, O. (2018). Comprehensive framework on asset management of transportation networks and resilience planning, Zenodo
  • Astell, A.J., Gradišek, A., Bizjak, J., Gjoreski, H., Gams, M., Goljuf, K., ... & Touliou, K. (2018). INLIFE–Independent living support functions for the elderly: Technology and pilot overview. In Intelligent Environments (pp. 526-535). IOS Press.
  • Astell, A., Panou, M., Touliou, K., Karavidoloulou, Y., Cabrera-Unpierrez, M.F., Black, B., Bizjak, J., Buchholz, M., Chamorro Mata, J., Cossu-Ergecer, F., Dekker van-Weering, M., Derbring, S., Ekstrom, A., Gams M., Garcia-Soler, A., Goljuf, K., Gradisek, A., Laakso, K., Kaimakamis, E., Kaklanis, N., Kilintzis, V, Maglaveras, N., Montalvá Colomer, J., Papageorgiou, V., Potter, S., Smith, S., Samulesson, C., Tabak, M. A pragmatic evaluation of ICTs for older adults with cognitive impairment at scale: the IN LIFE experience», Universal Access in the Information Society (in press).
  • Diederichs, F., Knauss, A., Wilbrink, M., Lilis, Y., Chrysochoou, E., Anund, A., Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S. Finér, S., Zanovello, L., Maroudis, P., Krupenia, S., Absér, A., Dimokas, N., Apoy, C., Karlsson, J., Larsson, A., Zidianakis, E., Efa, A., Widlroither, H., Teichmann, D., Sanatnama, H., Wendemuth, A. Adaptive Transitions for Automation in Cars, Trucks, Busses and Motorcycles”, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018.
  • Genikomsakis, K., Galatoulas, N.F., Dallas, P., Candanedo Ibarra, L.-M., Margaritis, D., Ioakimidis, C. (2018). “Development and On-Field Testing of Low-Cost Portable System for Monitoring PM2.5 Concentrations”. Sensors Open Access Journal 2018, 18(4), 1056; doi:10.3390/s18041056.(Scopus)
  • Gonzalez-Feliu, J., Pronello, C., Salanova, J. M. (2018). Multi-stakeholder collaboration in urban transport: state-of-the-art and research opportunities. Transport 33(4) 2018, pp. 1079-1094. Special Issue on Collaboration and Urban Transport. [DOI:10.3846/transport.2018.XXXX]
  • Iordanopoulos, P., Mitsakis, E., Chalkiadakis, C. (2018). Prerequisites for further deploying ITS systems: the case of Greece, Periodica Polytechnica, Transportation Engineering 46 (2).
  • Kotoula, N., Sialdas, A., Botzoris, G., Chaniotakis, E., Salanova, J. M. (2018). Exploring the Effects of University Campus Decentralization to Students’ Mode Choice, Journal Periodica Polytechnica, Vol 43, No. 1 pp. 15-21. [DOI:10.3311/ PPtr.11641]
  • Salanova J. M., Estrada M., (2018). Modeling and comparison of taxi operational modes: case study in Barcelona. Transportation Research Procedia. Vol 33, pp 59- 66. [DOI:10.1016/j.trpro.2018.10.076].
  • Salanova Grau, J.M., Estrada, M., Tzenos, P., Aifadopoulou, G. (2018). Agent-based simulation framework for the taxi sector modelling. Procedia – Computer Sciences, Vol 130, pp 294-301. [DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2018.04.042]
  • Salanova Grau, J. M., Mitsakis, E., Tzenos, P., Stamos I., Aifadopoulou, G. (2018). Multi-source data framework for network traffic state estimation and prediction. Journal of Advanced Transportation. vol. 2018, Article ID 9078547, 9 pages, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9078547
  • Salanova, J. M., Toumbalidis, J., Chaniotakis, E., Karanikolaos, N., Aifadopoulou, G. (2018). Correlation between digital and physical world, case study in Thessaloniki. Journal of Location Based Services. Vol 11, No. 2, pp 118-132. [DOI:10.1080/17489725.2017.1420257]
  • Touliou, K., Panou, M., Maglaveras, N., & Bekiaris, E. (2018). Executive, emotional and physiological functioning in older drivers with mild cognitive impairment. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.



  • Aggelakakis, A., Anagnostopoulou, A., Tromaras, A., and Laios, P. (2018). Sustainable urban mobility in small and medium-sized cities with emphasis on environmental aspect: The example of Amfissa, Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Planning and Regional Development Conference, 27 - 30 Septermber, Volos, Greece.
  • Aggelakakis, A., Kehagia, F., and Pitsiava-Latinopoulou, M. (2018). The concept of environmental capacity of urban roads and the evolutionary process in its calculation, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Urban Planning, Regional Planning and Regional Development, 27 -30 September, Volos, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Bratsas, Ch., Koupidis, K., Chatzopoulou, A., Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P. (2018). Short-term prediction of the traffic status in urban places using neural network models, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, 24 -25 May, Skiathos, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Bratsas, Ch., Koupidis, K., Chatzopoulou, A., Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P. (2018). The use of neural network models on short-term prediction of the traffic status: The case study of Thessaloniki Conference on complex systems, UrbanSys satellite, 23 -28 September, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Papathanasiou, J., Tsaples, G., Parodos, L., Mitsakis, E., Salanova, J.M. (2018). Information exchange as the key for sustainable urban freight transportation: The AEOLIX project, 16th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 18 October, Denizli, Turkey.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J. M. (2018). Logistics plan in cities with ports: The case of Kavala, Greece, The EWG-DSS 2018 international conference on decision support system technology & PROMETHEE days 2018, 22-25 May, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J. M. (2018). Multi-source data framework for the estimation of risks in the transport of dangerous goods, The EWG-DSS 2018 international conference on decision support system technology & PROMETHEE days 2018, 22-25 May, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J. M., Kortsari, A., Tzenos, P., Sourtzinos, N., Dalkalitsis, A. (2018). Multimodal cooperative safety services: location-based alert system at level crossings, Railways 2018, The Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 3-7 September, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J. M., Tsaples, G. (2018). Autonomous Port Vehicle Fleet Management in Thessaloniki, Conference on complex systems, UrbanSys satellite, 23-28 September, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P., Stamos, I., Mitsakis, E. (2018). Big and open data supporting sustainable mobility in smart cities – the case of Thessaloniki, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility CSUM 2018, 24-25 May, Skiathos, Greece.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J.M., Tzenos, P., Theodosiou, A., Tsoukos, G., Papadopoulos, C., Tsitsamis, D. (2018). Management of autonomous straddle carrier fleet, Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, Vienna, Austria.
  • Aifadopoulou, G., Stamos, I., Giannini, M., Salanova, J. M. (2018). Diagnostic of the European logistics and road freight transportation sector, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, 24-25 May, Skiathos, Greece.
  • Aittoniemi, E., Kolarova, V., Barnard, Y., Touliou, K., Netten, B. (2018).How may connected automated driving improve quality of life? , 25th ITS World Congress, 17-21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Anagnostopoulou, A. (2018). Performance Measurement of Sustainability in Urban Freight Transport, Proceedings of the 7th International Virtual Conference 2018 (ICTIC 2018), 2– 7 April, Slovakia.
  • Anagnostopoulou, A., Aggelakakis, A., Tromaras, A., Mavropoulou, E., and Boile, M. (2018). Freight Transport Sustainability: Perspectives of Public and Private Sector, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Supply Chains, 14 – 15 Septermber, Katerini, Greece.
  • Anagnostopoulou, A., and Boile, M. (2018). Challenges and opportunities of open science in transport research, Proceedings of the 6th QUAESTI Scientific Virtual Conference - Multidisciplinary Studies and Approaches, 10 – 15 December.
  • Anastassiadou, K., Kaundinya, I., Kammerer, H., Mitsakis, E., Stamos, I. (2018). Assessing the resilience of land transport networks against extreme rainfall events, Transportation Research Arena TRA 2018, 16-19 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Astell, A.J., Gradišek, A., Bizjak, J., Gjoreski, H., Gams, M., Goljuf, K., Cabrera- Umpierrez, M.F., Bautista Montalva, J., Karavidopoulou, Y., Panou, M., Touliou, A., Kaklanis, N., Stavrotheodoros, S., Tzovaras, D., Kaimakamis, E., Laakso, K., Buchholz, M., Derbring, S., Samuelsson, C., Ekström, A., Garcia, A., Chamorro Mata, J., Smith, S.K., Potter, S., Tabak, M., Marit Dekker- van Weering, Cossu-Ergecer, F., and Black, B. (2018). INLIFE - Independent living support functions for the elderly: Technology and pilot overview, 8th International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWELL 2018), 25-26 June, Rome, Italy.
  • Astell, A.J., Cabrera-Umpierrez, M. F., Panou, M., Tabak, M., Gams, M., Laakso, K., Goljuf, K., Smith, S., Black, B., Samuelsson, C., Karavidopoulou, Y., Cossu-Ergecer, F., Gradisek, A., Bizjak, J., Gjoreski, H., Montalva, J. B., Touliou, K., Kaklanis, N., Stavrotheodoros, S., Tzovaras, D., Kaimakamis, E., Buchholz, M., Derbring, S., Ekström, A., Garcia, A., Chamorro Mata, J., Potter, S., Dekker, M. (2018). IN-LIFE: A European digital platform for older adults living with dementia. (peer-reviewed). 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference (#28AEC), 29-31 October, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Boufidis, N., Papadopoulos, A., Tzenos, P., Salanova, J.M. (2018). Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Urban Traffic Analysis and Transportation Optimization, a Case Study in Thessaloniki, Greece, Conference on complex systems, UrbanSys satellite, 23-28 September, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Capato, S., Coconea, L., Helmreich, B., Kreckel, T., Gkemou, M. (2018). Intelligent Road Marking Systems enabling future connected mobility, The 25th ITS World Congress, 17-21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Chalkia, E., Sdoukopoulos, E., Bekiaris, E. (2018). Risk analysis of innovative maritime transport solutions using the extended Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology, MARTECH2018, 7- 9 May, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Chalkiadakis, C., Iordanopoulos, P., Mitsakis, E., Chalkia, E. (2018) The use of social computing in travelers’ activities preference analysis, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility CSUM 2018, 24-25 May, Skiathos, Greece.
  • Chalkiadakis, C., Iordanopoulos, P., Mitsakis, E., Vlahogianni, E. (2018). Travellers’ activities preference prediction using social media data, hEART 2018 – 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 5-7 September, Athens, Greece.
  • Chrysostmou , K., Petrou, A., Aifadopoulou, G., Morfoulaki, M. (2018). Microsimulation modelling of the impacts of double-parking along an urban axis, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (CSUM2018), 24 – 25 May 2018, Skiathos, Greece.
  • Diederichs, F., Knauss, A., Wilbrink, M., Lilis, Y., Chrysochoou, E., Anund, A., Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Finér, S., Zanovello, L., Maroudis, P., Krupenia, S., Absér, A., Dimokas, N., Apoy, C., Karlsson, J., Larsson, A., Zidianakis, E., Efa, A., Widlroither, H., Teichmann, D., Sanatnama, H., Wendemuth, A. (2018). An HMI Framework for Driver/Rider States Adaptive Transitions and ADAS, Proceedings of the 25th ITS World Congress, September 17-21, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Diederichs, F., Knauss, A., Wilbrink, M., Lilis, Y., Chrysochoou, E., Anund, A., Bekiaris, A., Nikolaou, S., Finér, S., Zanovello, L., Maroudis, P., Krupenia, S., Absér, A., Dimokas, N., Apoy, C., Karlsson, J., Larsson, A., Zidianakis, E., Efa, A., Widlroither, H., Dai, M., Teichmann, D., Sanatnama, H., Wendemuth, A., Bischoff, S. (2018). Adaptive Transitions for Automation in Cars, Trucks, Busses and Motorcycles. IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
  • Dimokas, N., Kalogirou, K., Spanidis, P., Kehagias, D. (2018). A Mobile Application for Multimodal Trip Planning, 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), 23-25 July, Zakynthos, Greece.
  • Gaitanidou, E., Bekiaris, E., Coconea, L. (2018). European Resilience Management Guidelines: definition and validation in real-life environments, International Transport Forum 2018, Pre-Summit Transport Research Day, 22 May, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Gkemou, M., Touliou, K., Spiliotis, A., Bekiaris, E., (2018). User – centred approach for C-ITS solution proof of concept, The 25th ITS World Congress, 17-21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Kalogirou, K., Dimokas, N., Tsami, M., Kehagias, D. (2018). Smart Mobility Combining Public Transport with Carpooling: An iOS Application Paradigm, 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), 28-30 June, Exeter, United Kingdom.
  • Ketikidis K., Salanova J. M., Aifadopoulou G., Tzenos P., (2018). Mapping “Mobility as a Service” components towards economic indicators in Europe, ITS World congress 2018 , 17-21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Knauss, A., Diederichs, F., Wilbrink, M., Lilis, Y., Chrysochoou, E., Anund, A., Bekiaris, A., Nikolaou, S., Finér, S., Zanovello, L., Maroudis, P., Krupenia, S., Absér, A., Dimokas, N., Apoy, C., Karlsson, J., Larsson, A., Zidianakis, E., Efa, A., Widlroither, H., Teichmann, D., Sanatnama, H., Wendemuth, A. (2018). An HMI Framework for Driver/Rider States Adaptive Transitions and ADAS, 25th ITS World Congress, 17- 21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Konstantinopoulou, L., Arnas, P-O., Herrero, G., Huschebeck, M., Westra, R., Mitsakis, E., Aifadopoulou, G., Stamos, I. (2018). Logistics information exchange platforms: insights of the AEOLIX project, Transportation Research Arena TRA 2018, 16-19 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Koutroumpis, N., Mintsis, E., Basbas, S., Salanova, J.M. (2018). Speed advisory system evaluation along signalized rural arterial corridors, Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, 16-19 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Lu, M., Türetken, O., Mitsakis, E., Blokpoel, R., Gilsing, R., Grefen, P., Kotsi, A. (2018). Cooperative and connected intelligent transport systems for sustainable European road transport, Transportation Research Arena TRA 2018, 16-19 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Maleas, G., Vlachos, D., Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J.M., Parodos, L. (2018). Datadriven analytics for freight transport, The 16th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 18 October, Denizli, Turkey.
  • Mantouka, E., Papacharalampous, A., Stroumpou, I., Heydenrijk-Ottens, L., Shelat, S., Chamoso Santos, P., Guisado-Gamez, J., Degeler, V., Mitsakis, E., Vlahogianni, E., Larriba-Pey, J. L. (2018). Urban Travel Behaviour: A Cross-country comparison, hEART 2018 – 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 5-7 September, Athens, Greece.
  • Margaritis, D., Bekiaris, E. (2018). Macro- and microscopic analysis of bicycle accidents in Greece, 7th Panhellenic Traffic Safety Conference, 11- 12 October, Larissa, Greece.
  • Margaritis, D., Lampropoulou, D. (2018). Study of pollution levels of nitrogen oxides in the passenger car cabin in urban environment, 2nd Congress of Chemistry of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, 2-3 November 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Mitsakis, E., Kotsi, A. (2018). Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems as a policy tool for mitigating the impacts of climate change on road transport, 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility CSUM 2018, 24-25 May, Skiathos, Greece.
  • Myrovali, G., Tsaples, G., Morfoulaki, M., Aifadopoulou, G., Papathanasiou, J. (2018). An Interactive Learning Environment Based on System Dynamics Methodology for Sustainable Mobility Challenges Communication & Citizens’ Engagement, 4th International Conference on Decision Support, System Technology – ICDSST 2018 & PROMETHEE DAYS 2018, 22-25 May, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Porfyri, K. N., Mintsis, E., Mitsakis, E. (2018). Assessment of ACC and CACC systems using SUMO, SUMO 2018-Simulating Autonomous and Intermodal Transport Systems, 14-16 May, Berlin, Germany.
  • Salanova, J.M, Estrada, M., Tzenos, P., Aifadopoulou, G. (2018). Agent-based simulation framework for the taxi sector modeling, 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, 8- 11 May, Porto, Portugal.
  • Salanova Grau, J.M., Moreira-Matias, L., Saadallah, A., Tzenos, P., Aifadopoulou, G., Chaniotakis, E., Estrada, M. (2018). Informed versus non-informed taxi drivers: agent-based simulation framework for assessing their performance, Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 7-11 January, Washington, USA.
  • Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P. (2018). Traffic prediction in cities with harbor, the EWGDSS 2018 international conference on decision support system technology & PROMETHEE days 2018, 22-25 May, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Salanova, J. M. (2018). Low data intensive modal split model for supporting taxi policy making. Case study in Cyprus, the EWG-DSS 2018 international conference on decision support system technology & PROMETHEE days 2018, 22-25 May, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Salanova, J. M., Estrada, M. (2018). Modeling and comparison of taxi operational modes: case study in Barcelona, 13th Transport Engineering Conference, 6-8 June, Gijon, Spain.
  • Salanova, J. M., Theodosiou, A., Aifadopoulou, G., Tzenos, P., Tsoukos, G. (2018). Autonomous port vehicle fleet management, ITS World congress 2018, 17-21 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Salanova, J. M., Boufidis, N., Tzenos, P., Activity and mobility patterns identification for supporting transport planning (2018). Conference on complex systems, UrbanSys satellite, 23-28 September, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Symeonidis, I., Nikolaou, S., Touliou, K., Gaitatzi, O., Chrysochoou, E., Xochelli, A., Manuzzi, M., Guseo, T., Zanovello, L., Georgoulas, G., Bekiaris, E. (2018). ADAS&ME: Experiments for the development of a rider condition monitoring system, 12th International Motorcycle Conference (INTERMOT 2018), 1-2 October, Cologne, Germany.
  • Symeonidis, I., Margaritis, D., Panou, M., Bekiaris, E., Peldschus, S. (2018). Experimental study of out-of-position motorcycle rider in crashes without loss of control before the accident, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury Conference, 12-14 September, Athens, Greece.
  • Symeonidis, I., Bekiaris, E., Peldschus, S. (2018). Study of the «Out Of Position» of the motorcycle rider in the event of a collision, 8th Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biomechanics (ELEMBIO), 1-2 September, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Theofanis, S., Boile, M., Sdoukopoulos, E. (2018). Key trends and developments in the European port sector: Main implications for the port labour industry, Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2018, 16-19 April, Vienna, Austria.
  • Toumpalidis, I., Austwick, M. Z., Wise, S., Salanova, J. M., Aifadopoulou, G. (2018). Mobile Data, Geography, LBS, 27-29 June, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Toumpalidis, I., Karanikolas, N, Salanova, J. M., Tzenos, P. (2018). Social media data for supporting transportation planning, the EWG-DSS 2018 international conference on decision support system technology & PROMETHEE days 2018, 22- 25 May, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Tromaras, A., Papadopoulos, E. and Aggelakakis, A. (2018). The Future of the European Transport Sector: Identifying the key Trends regarding the Transport Concepts of the Future, International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering (ICTTE 2018), Proceedings, ISBN 978-86-916153-4-5, 244 – 25, 27 – 28 September, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Vardaki, S., Bekiaris, E. (2018). Education and Training of Road Safety Auditors on the Implementation of Human Factors Principles in Safe Road Design, 1st International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design – Future Trends & Applications (IHSED 2018), 25-27 October, Reims, France.
  • Wijbenga, A., Vreeswijk, J., Schindler, J., Mintsis, E., Rondinone, M., Correa, A., Sepulcre, M., Maerivoet, S., Blokpoel, R., Mitsakis, E. (2018). Centralized Infrastructure-Assisted Management for Mixed Traffic at Transition Areas, 2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems, 11-12 June, Ispra, Italy.
  • Zanovello, L., Nikolaou, S., Symeonidis, I., Manuzzi, M., (2018). Assistance and Mitigation Strategies in Case of Impaired Motorcycle Riders: The ADAS&ME Case Study, International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications, 11-12 September, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ziakopoulos, A., Theofilatos, A., Yannis, G., Margaritis, D., Thomas, P., Morris, A., Brown, L., Robibaro, M., Usami, D. S., Phan, V., Davidse, R., Buttler, I. (2018). A preliminary analysis of in-depth accident data for powered two-wheelers and bicycles in Europe, 2018 IRCOBI Athens, 12-14 September, Athens, Greece.



  • Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova Grau, J. M., (2018). The autonomous straddle Carrier is ready to start the pilot test in the port of Thessaloniki. Supply Chain and Logistics Magazine.
  • Sdoukopoulos, E., Boile M., Anastasiadis, N. (2018) Sustainable and low carbon ports in the Adriatic – Ionian region (in Greek), Supply Chain and Logistics Magazine, Vol. 98, pp. 90-91.
  • Tromaras, Α., Αggelakakis, Α., Mavropoulou, E. and Boile, Μ. (2018). Future technologies in transport sector of European Union: A perspective with a time horizon of 2020-2050. Newsletter of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Vol.206, pp. 8-13.
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