2008 Δημοσιεύσεις από τους επιστήμονες του ΙΜΕΤ
- Aifadopoulou G., Giannopoulos G., Charalampous G., (2008), “Container trans-shipment in the Eastern Mediterranean: Analysis of demand characteristics and impact on Greek ports”, 4th International Conference on Transport Research in Greece. ICTR 2008, Athens, 28-31 May, 2008.
- Aifadopoulou G., Margaritis D., (2008), “Accident Study Of City Trams In Athens”, pp.575-580, 4th International Congress of Transportation Research in Greece, Athens, 2008.
- Aifadopoulou G., Margaritis D., (2008), “Training Focus For The Certification Of Heavy Vehicle Drivers”, Paper No 12.4.9, TRA International Congress, Slovenia, 2008.
- Aifadopoulou G., Morfoulaki M., Mitsakis E., (2008), “An Online Portal for Integrated Transportation Data Management and Processing – HIT Portal”, ITS World Congress, New York, USA, November 2008.
- Alexopoulos A., Gagatsi E., Tyrinopoulos G., (2008), “Analysis of existing systems for sustainable environmental management of ports”, 4th International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Proceedings, pp. 403-413), Athens, 28-30 May, 2008.
- Amditis A., Floudas N., Kaiser-Dieckhoff U., Hackbarth T., Den Broek B., Miglietta M., Danielson, L., Gemou M. and Bekiaris E., (2008), “Integrated vehicle’s lateral safety: the LATERAL SAFE experience”, Intelligent Transport Systems, IET, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2008 Page(s):15 – 26, Digital Object Identifier 10.1049/iet-its:20070013.
- Bekiaris E., Gaitanidou E., (2008), “Using micro-simulation modelling for driver assistance systems assessment”, TRA 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 2008.
- Bekiaris E., Gaitanidou E., Winkelbauer M., (2008), “Road operators’ Manual and MMT for ITS applications”, ITS World 2008, New York, USA, November 2008.
- Bekiaris E., Montanari R. and Nikolaou S., (2008), “In-vehicle ITS adaptation and integration in PoweredTwo-Wheelers: The SAFERIDER European Project”, ITS World Congress ’08, New York, USA 16-20 November, 2008.
- Bekiaris E., Panou M., Gaitanidou E., Mourouzis A., Ringbauer B., (2008), “Intelligent mobility and transportation for all”. Βοοκ: The Universal Access Handbook, C. Stephanidis (ed.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (LEA) In «Human Factors and Ergonomics», 2008.
- Bekiaris E., Panou M., Pioggia G., (2008), “An innovative framework for elderly-friendly transportation and driver support services”, ITS Word 2008, in CD proceedings, New York, USA, 2008.
- Charalampous G., (2008), “Container trans-shipment in the Eastern Mediterranean: Analysis of demand characteristics and impact on Greek ports”, 4th International Conference on Transport Research in Greece (ICTR 2008), Athens, 28-31 May, 2008.
- Charalampous G., (2008), “The role of European Transport Institutes in Ports’ research activities”, CAPOEIRA Conference, Brussels, 29 October, 2008.
- Emmanouilidis V., Patrinos A.J., Gemou M., Bekiaris E. and Tzovaras D., (2008), “A real time decision support system for the safe and efficient routing of dangerous goods vehicles”, TRA 2008, April 2008.
- Emmanouilidis V., Tzovaras D., Gemou M. and Bekiaris E., (2008), “Decision Support System for the Safest and Most Cost-Efficient Routing of Dangerous Goods Vehicles”, eChallenges 2008, October 2008.
- Gaitanidou E., Bekiaris E., (2008), “Conceptual model for an EU TLE monitoring database”, ITS World 2008, New York, USA, November 2008. 13. Bekiaris E., Panou M., Vataki A., “ASK-IT Greek pilot services and results”, ASK-IT Final International Conference, in CD proceedings, Nuremberg, Germany, ASK-IT 2nd Intrernational Conference, 26-27 June, 2008.
- Gaitanidou E., Bekiaris E., (2008), “Mobility Schemes Ensuring Accessibility of Public Transport for All Users (ACCESS 2 ALL)”, ASK-IT International Conference, Nurremberg, Germany, June 2008.
- Gemou M. and Bekiaris E., (2008) “Ontological Framework for the Dangerous Goods Transportation Logistic Chain”, 4th International Congress on Transportation Research in Greece, May 2008.
- Giannopoulos G., (2008), “The application of co-modality in Greece: A critical appraisal of progress in the development of co-modal freight centres and logistics services”, Transition Studies Review, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 289-301, September 2008.
- Giannopoulos G., Aifadopoulou G., Torok A., (2008), “Port choice model for the transhipment of containers in Eastern Mediterranean”, 87th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
- Margaritis D., Aifadopoulou G., (2008), “Road Safety and Traffic Education, Municipality of Thessaloniki”, City Police Deputy Mayorship, Thessaloniki, 26 November, 2008.
- Morfoulaki M., Aifadopoulou G., Chrysochoou E., Gagatsi E., (2008), “An evaluation of the influence of Euro-Mediterranean Association Free Trade Agreements on the growth of Greece’s freight flows in the Mediterranean”, 4th International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, 28-30 May 2008.
- Naniopoulos A., Giannopoulos G., Pyrgidis Chr., Gologina-Economou E. (2008), “Organisation and Management of freight transport systems”, 204 pages, 2008.
- Nikolaou S., (2008), “Poster presentation and demonstration of the HUMANIST Multimedia Training Tool on Drivers’ Training on ITS”, HUMANIST Final Conference, Lyon, France, 3-4 April, 2008.
- Pagle k., Amditis A., Bekiaris E., Gemou M. and Tzovaras D., (2008), “System architecture principles for safe transportation of dangerous goods; the good route approach”, ITS Europe 2008, June 2008.
- Panou M., (2008), “On-the-road static & dynamic measurements of drivers’ reaction time for personalised ADAS warnings”, ITS Word 2008, in CD proceedings, New York, USA, 2008.
- Panou M., Bekiaris E., Giannopoulos G., (2008), “Driver Cognitive Engineering Applications”, 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, pp.296-306, 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, May 2008.
- Papaioannou P., Morfoulaki M., Mikiki F., (2008), “Exploring ITS effects on customer satisfaction and travel behaviour”, 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, May 2008.
- Tyrinopoulos G., Aifadopoulou G., (2008), “A Complete Quality Control Methodology for the Passenger Services in the Public Transport Business», Journal of European Transport (Transporti Europei), Number 38, pp. 1-16, 2008.
- Tyrinopoulos G., Antoniou K., (2008), “Public transit user satisfaction – Variability and policy implications”. Transport Policy, Journal of the World Conference on Transport Research Society, Volume 14, pp. 260-272, Number 5, 2008.
- Tyrinopoulos G., Antoniou Κ., (2008), “Advanced information and communication technologies initiatives aiming at the efficiency of intermodal transport”. 4th International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Proceedings, pp. 246-254), Athens, 28-30 May, 2008.
- Winkelbauer M., Gaitanidou E., (2008), “A systematic approach towards the best available road safety activities for European Member States”, ICTR 2008, Athens, Greece, May 2008.