- Anagnostopoulou A.K., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2012), “GRASP with Path Relinking for Vehicle Routing Problems with Product Returns”. Transportation Research Part E, 2012.
- Ayfadopoulou, G., Salanova Grau, J., Chrysohoou, E., & Mitsakis, E. (2012), “Combination of macro & micro transport simulation models: use case in Cyprus”. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2012.
- Ayfadopoulou, G., Stamos, I., Mitsakis, E., & Salanova Grau, J. (2012), “Dynamic traffic assignment based evacuation planning for CBD areas”. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Science, 1078-1087, 2012.
- Ayfandopoulou, G., Gagatsi, E., & Myrovali, G. (2012), “Strengthening the competitiveness of local and regional production clusters through efficient interfaces to ports and intermodal solution exploitation in the Mediterranean basin”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2664-2678, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Prentza, L. (2012), “A Holistic Evaluation Plan for Agent Based Brokerage Systems for Neighborhood Electricity Usage Optimization”, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering , ISSN: 1934-8975 (No. JEPE13011401).
- Bekiaris, E., Prentza, L. (October 25, 2012), “A Holistic Evaluation Plan for Agent Based Brokerage Systems for Neighborhood Electricity Usage Optimization”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A & B, ISSN: A. 2161-6213, B. 2161-6221, 2012.
- Boile, M., Lee H., Theofanis S. (2012), “Hierarchical Interactions between Shippers and Carriers in International Maritime Freight Transportation Networks”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 48 pp. 3651-3660, 2012.
- Boile, M., Morrall T., Roland F., Sdoukopoulos E. (2012), “Technology Gaps and Research Priorities to Support the EU Maritime Transport Policy” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 48, p. 2433-2443, 2012.
- Chrysostomou, K., Mitsakis, E., & Aifadopoulou, G. (2012), “Environmentally friendly routing: Assessment of drivers’ perception and response”, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012.
- Doll, C., Maurer, H., & Papanikolaou, A. (2012), “The Vulnerability of Transport Systems to Extreme Weather Events”, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2012.
- Gagatsi, E. (2012), “Incorporating the Analytic Hierarchy Process in policy evaluation: a methodology developed for the Greek maritime transport system”, International Journal of Information and Decision, 2012.
- Giannopoulos, G., Mitsakis, E., & Salanova Grau, J. (2012), “Overview of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) developments in and across transport modes”, JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, 2012.
- Golias M.M., Saharidis G.K.D., Boilé M., Theofanis S. (2012), “Scheduling of inbound trucks at a cross-docking facility: Biobjective vs bi-level modeling approaches”, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 2012.
- Gonzalez Feliu, J., & Salanova Grau, J. (2012), “Defining and evaluating collaborative urban freight transport systems. Elsevier Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 172-183, 2012.
- Gonzalez Feliu, J., & Salanova Grau, J. (2012), “Is urban logistics pooling viable? A multistakeholder multicriteria analysis”, 2012.
- Gonzalez Feliu, J., Morana, J., Salanova Grau, J., (2012), “Design and scenario assessment for collaborative logistics and freight transport systems” International Journal of Transport Economics, 2012.
- Gonzalez-Feliu, J., Salanova Grau, J., Morana, J., & Mitsakis, E. (2012), “Urban logistics pooling viability analysis via a multicriteria multiactor method”, 2012.
- Lee, H., Boile M., Theofanis S. (2012), “Game Theoretical Models of the Cooperative Carrier Behavior” KSCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012.
- Lee, H., Boile M., Theofanis S., Choo S. (2012), “Modeling the Oligopolistic and Competitive Behavior of Carriers in Maritime Freight Transportation Networks”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 54 pp. 1080-1094 , 2012.
- Lee, H., Boile M., Theofanis S., Choo S. (2012), “Predictive Analysis of the Maritime Freight Transport System: Conceptual Modeling Framework”. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2012.
- Lee, H., T. Zhang, Boile M., Theofanis S. (2012), “Design of Integrated Forward and Reverse Logistics Network with Time Periods”, KSCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012.
- Margaritis, D., Touliou, A., Kalogirou, K., Bekiaris, Ε. (October 25-26, 2012), “A Heavily Instrumented Car for Naturalistic Driving Research”, MTM International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry, ISSN 1313-0226 (6/2012), 44 -47, 2012.
- Mikiki, F., Morfoulaki, M., & Papaioannou, P. (2012), “Recherche Transports Sécurité: L'importance attribuée par les usagers des transports publics à l'information fournie par les technologies avancées: un levier pour l'investissement dans des systems cooperatives”, 2012.
- Mitsakis, E., Aifadopoulou, G., Stamos, I., & Salanova, J. (2012), “An Integrated Framework for embedding large-scale Dynamic Traffic Assignment models in Advanced Traveler Information Services”, European Transport Research Review, 2012.
- Mitsakis, E., Papanikolaou, A., Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova, J., & Doll, C. (2012), “An integrated framework for linking climate change impacts to emergency adaptation strategies for transport networks”, European Transport Research Review, 2012.
- Mitsakis, E., Stamos, I., Papanikolaou, A., Aifadopoulou, G., Kontoes H. (2012), “Assessment of climate change impacts and extreme weather events on transport networks: Case study of the 2007 wildfires in Peloponnesus”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Journal, Springer, 2012.
- Mittal N., Boile M., Baveja A., Theofanis S. (2012), “Determining Optimal Inland-Empty-Container Depot Locations under Stochastic Demand”, Research in Transport Economics Freight Transportation and Sustainability. Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp. 50-60, 2012.
- Moini, N., M. Boile, Theofanis S., Laventhal W. (2012), “Estimating the Determinant Factors of Container Dwell Times at Seaports”, Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 162-177, 2012.
- Morfoulaki, M., Papanikolaou, A., & Dr. Kapros, S. (2012), “Intelligent Policy Recommendation on Ports Administration: Introducing a business model approach for the evaluation of port’s services”. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012-2021, 2012.
- Nikolaou, K., Ntoumanakis, E., Basbas, S., & Stamos, I. (2012), “Influence of economic recession on diurnal urban traffic and air quality in Thessaloniki”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012.
- Pitsiava-Latinopoulou, M., & Iordanopoulos, P. (2012), “Intermodal Passengers Terminals: Design Standards for Better Level of Service”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science, 3297-3306, 2012.
- Pitsiava-Latinopoulou, M., Basbas, S., Papoutsis, K., Sdoukopoulos, E. (2012), “Parking Policies for Supporting Sustainable Mobility”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science, Vol. 48, 897-906. 33, 2012.
- Politis, I., Papaioannou, P., Basbas, S., & Stamos, I. (2012), “How Do Large Scale Infrastructure Projects Contribute On Environmental Improvement The Case Of Thessaloniki's Outer Ring Road”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 219-226, 2012.
- Salanova Grau, J., & Estrada, M. (2012), “Aggregated modeling of urban taxi services”. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2012.
- Salanova, J., & Mitsakis, E. (2012), “A mathematical approach and review of the modeling of taxi services”, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2012.
- Stamos, I., & Triantafyllos, D. (2012), “Bus Rapid Transit as a Contribution to Sustainable Development”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 611-619, 2012.
- Stamos, I., Kitis, G., & Basbas, S. (2012), “Evaluation of a High Occupancy Vehicle Lane in Central Business District Thessaloniki”, Procedia: Social and Behavioral Science, 1088-1096, 2012.
- Stamos, I., Kitis, G., & Basbas, S. (2012), “The implementation of a contra flow bus lane in the CBD of Thessaloni-Energy and Environmental impacts”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012.
- Tarantilis C.D., Anagnostopoulou A.K., Repoussis P.P. (2012), “Adaptive Path Relinking for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Product Returns”, Transportation Science, 2012, doi:10.1287/trsc.1120.0439
- Tyrinopoulos, Y., Kortsari, A., & Chatziathanasiou, M. (2012), “Stimulating transportation policy making through an effective traffic information communication mechanism; The Case of Athens”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral, 1184-1194, 2012.
- Anagnostopoulou A.K., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2012), “Path Relinking optimization method for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Product Returns”, 1st Annual Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Bologna, Italy, 18th - 20th June, 2012.
- Auvinen, H., Boile M., Ehrler V., Eidhammer O., Lewis A., and Mäkelä K. (2012), “Measuring the Carbon Footprint of Freight and Logistics Activity along Supply Chains” Proceedings of the 19th International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E, Nikolaou, S., Montanari, R., Spadoni, A. (June 14-15, 2012), “Results and estimated safety impact of the integration of Advanced Rider Assistance Systems (ARAS) and On-Bike Information Systems (OBIS) on PTW’s of different types for enhancing riders’ safety and comfort, performed within the framework of the SAFERIDER European project”, European Conference on Human Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems. Valencia, Spain, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., (August 31 - September 4, 2012), “Market opportunities and exploitable results in mobile services for the elderly and disabled”, East meets West Congress and Exhibition 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, E. (April 23-26, 2012), “Research roadmap towards an accessible public transport system for all”, Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M. (May 9-11, 2012), “Evaluation of accessible mobile applications following an iterative UCD plan”, IST AFRICA Conference. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Loukea, M. (July 17-20, 2012), “Towards a Common Research Strategic Roadmap for the Transportation Sector in Europe and beyond”, 5th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2012, volume 1, 140-145, Orlando, USA, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Hübner, L., Sage, D., Pozzi, S. (June 14-15, 2012), “Classification and applicability of Road Safety principles and best practices across other transport modes”, Volume: 1, 245-249. European Conference on Human Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems. Valencia, Spain, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Montanari, R., Spadoni, A.( April 23-26, 2012), “Saferider-Evaluation and impact assessment of ARAS/ OBIS functions in PTW’s to enhance rider comfort and safety”, Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference. Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., Kalogirou, K. (May 9-11, 2012), “Mobile applications for elderly with disabilities. IST AFRICA Conference” Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., Kalogirou, K., Blythe, P. (May 9-11, 2012), “Personalised guidance on the mobile phone for travelers in emergency situations”, IST AFRICA Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Petsos, C., Kalogirou, K. (April 12-13, 2012), “Energy Management web application: Brokerage Agent Front End application”, International Conference on Power and Energy Systems 2012 (ICPES 2012), Hong Kong, China, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Prentza, L. (June 20-22, 2012), “A holistic evaluation plan for agent-based brokerage systems for neighborhood electricity usage optimization”, The Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR2012), Torremolinos-Malaga, Spain, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Spanidis, P., Kalogirou, K. (August 17-19, 2012), “Patient Database Towards Stress Control Application”, NETs 2012- International Conference on Internet Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.
- Boile, M., Morrall, T., Roland, F. & Sdoukopoulos E. (2012), “Technology Gaps and Research Priorities to Support the EU Maritime Transport Policy”, Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2012, Athens, Greece, 23-26 April, 2012.
- Chalkia, E., Bekiaris, E. (July 17-20,2012), “Virtual and Augmented Environments and Realistic User Interactions To achieve Embedded Accessibility Designs, VERITAS project Use Cases methodological framework and outcomes”, 5th International MultiConference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2012, volume 1, 118-123, Orlando, USA, 2012.
- Gagatsi, E. (2012), “Assessing Scenarios on Maritime Transport Policies by means of Multicriteria Analysis: the case of Greece”, 12th Special Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS), 9th Meeting of Multiple Criteria Decision Aid. Kavala, Greece, 2012.
- Gaitanidou, E., Bekiaris, E., (September 10-13, 2012), “Data analysis plan for traffic efficiency in TeleFOT project”, EWGT 2012, Paris, France, 2012.
- Gaitanidou, E., Bekiaris, E., Touliou, A., (October 22-26, 2012), “Detailed FOT in Greece for assessing the impact of nomadic devices within TeleFOT IP.”, 19th ITS World Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
- Giannopoulos, G., & Moschovou, T. (2012), “Modelling Freight Transport Modal Choice in Greece”, TRA 2012 (pp. 597-611), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Kalogirou, K., Chalkia, E., Bekiaris, E, Diederichs, F. (April 23-26, 2012), “An application for the information of children according their school transportation”, Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Koutkias, V., Bekiaris, E., Maglaveras, N., Gemou, M. (August 17-19, 2012), “An Ontology-based Approach for User Profile Representation and Management in a Cloud Infrastructure”, NETs 2012- International Conference on Internet Studies. Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.
- Margaritis, D., Bekiaris, E., Evgenikos, P., Yannis, G., (October 25-26, 2012), “Pan-European road accident in-depth investigation database”, 5th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece, 2012.
- Margaritis, D., Touliou, K., Bekiaris, E. (October 25-26, 2012), “Risk Investigation for vulnerable road users from passing 'quiet' hybrid electric vehicles”, 5th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece, 2012.
- Mitsakis, E., Papanikolaou, A., Salanova, J., Aifadopoulou, G., & Doll, C. (2012), “An Integrated framework for linking climate change impacts to emergency adaptation strategies for applications on transport networks”, 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2012.
- Mitsakis, E., Salanova, J., Chrysohoou, E., Stamos, I., & Aifadopoulou, G. (2012), “Multicriteria route choice in road networks”, 12th Special Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS), 9th Meeting of Multiple Criteria Decision Aid, Kavala, Greece, 2012.
- Morfoulaki, M., Aifadopoulou, G., Chrysohoou, E., & Salanova Grau, J. (2012), “Optimum utilization of traffic data using cluster and time series analysis”, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting. Washington, USA, 2012.
- Morfoulaki, M., Papanikolaou, A., & Dr. Kapros, S. (2012), “Intelligent Policy Recommendation on Ports Administration: Introducing a business model approach for the evaluation of port’s services”, TRA 2012 (pp. 2012-2021), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Panou, M., Touliou, K., Tsaprounis, T. (August 17-19, 2012), “Health monitoring and support mobile phone application for the elderly” International Conference on Internet Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012.
- Pitsiava-Latinopoulou, M., Basbas, S., Papoutsis, K., Sdoukopoulos, E. (2012), “Parking Policies for Supporting Sustainable Mobility”, Transport Research Area (TRA) Conference 2012, Athens, Greece, 23-26 April, 2012.
- Salanova, J., & Estrada, M. (2012), “A mathematical approach to the modeling of taxi services” 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (Latsis Symposium 2012), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012.
- Stamos, I., & Mitsakis, E. (2012), “Dynamic Capacity Allocation” 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems (Latsis Symposium 2012), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012.
- Touliou, K., Margaritis, D., Bekiaris, E. (July 17-20, 2012), “A driver-rider interaction validation study in both simulated and real environments, 5th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2012, volume 1, 81-86, Orlando, USA, 2012.
- Touliou, K., Margaritis, D., Spanidis, P., Nikolaou, S., Bekiaris, E, (April 23-26, 2012), “Evaluation of rider’s support systems in Power Two Wheelers (PTWs)”, Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Tsaprounis, T., Touliou, K., Kalogirou, K., Agnantis, K., Bekiaris, E. (October 21-26, 2012), “Mobile Applications for Independent Living of Isolated Elderly”, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users Mobility, Venice, Italy, 2012.
- Tyrinopoulos, Y., Kortsari, A., & Chatziathanasiou, M. (2012), “Stimulating transportation policy making through an effective traffic information communication mechanism; The Case of Athens”, TRA 2012 (pp. 1184-1194), Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Athens, Greece, 2012.
- Valero Mora, P., Tontsch, A., Walsh, R., Morris, A., Reed, S., Touliou, K., Margaritis, D. (January 22-26, 2012), “Three Highly Instrumented Cars for Naturalistic Driving Research”, Transport Research Board (TRB). 91st Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA, 2012.
- Vanderheiden, GC., Treviranus, J., Martinez Usero, J.A., Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M., Chourasia, A.O., (October 22-26, 2012), “AutoPersonalization: Theory, Practice and Cross-Platform Implementation”, HFES 56th Annual Meeting, Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012.
- Aifadopoulou, G., Gagatsi, Ε., Myrovali, G., & Tzenos, P. (March 2012), “THE BACKGROUNDS HANDBOOK”, ISBN 978-88-88276- 23-6, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Prentza, L. (2012), “A Holistic Evaluation Plan for Agent Based Brokerage Systems for Neighborhood Electricity Usage Optimization”, In: Mendez-Vilas, A. ed. Fuelling the Future: Advances in Science & Technologies for Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage. Brown Walker Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. ISBN-10:61233-558-6, ISBN-13:978-1-61233-558-2, pp 487-491, 2012.
- Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M. (June, 2012), “Dangerous goods transportation: A European cooperative system for routing, monitoring, re-routing, enforcement and driver support, for dangerous goods vehicles”. Publication of Project Report H.I.T. Report number: CERTH-HIT-PR-A-2012-1. Publisher Hellenic Institute of Transport (H.I.T.)- Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (C.E.R.T.H.). Thessaloniki, Greece, 2012.
- Halatsis, Α., Myrovali, G., Gagatsi, Ε., & Kortsari, Α. (March 2012), “The Greek handbook of BACKGROUNDS PROJECT; IMPROVING PRODUCTIVE CLUSTERS ACCESSIBILITY TO GLOBAL MARKET” – the results of HIT’s research, 2012.