Να καταστεί το Ι.ΜΕΤ. ο κύριος και συνεκτικός Πόλος Έρευνας στις Μεταφορές, τη Βιώσιμη Κινητικότητα και τον Τουρισμό στην Ελλάδα και μέσα στους 10 καλύτερους κόμβους τεχνολογίας και τεχνογνωσίας στην Ευρώπη.


  1. Bekiaris E., Gemou M., Van Isacker K., Slegers K., Laporte L., Salmon N., Miguel Bascones L, Turrero M., Carmona I., (2013), “Modelling the User”, Publication in Academic Journal of Coputer Technology and Application (Vol. 4, No. 7, ISSN: 1934-7332 (Print), ISSN: 1934-7340 (Online), pp. 327-334, July 2013.
  2. Bekiaris E., Prentza L., (2013), “Evaluation of an Agent based Monitoring and Brokerage System for Neighbourhood Electricity Usage Optimization”, Publication in Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol.7, Number 10, October 2013, pp. 1915-1921, ISSN: 1934-8975 (Print), ISSN: 1934-8983 (Online).
  3. Bekiaris, E., Panou, Μ,, Touliou, K., Tsaprounis, T. (2013), “Mobile Phone Application To Support The Elderly”, publication inInternational Journal of Cyber Society and Education (IJCSE), αριθμός δημοσίευσης 1048, February 2013.
  5. Gavanas N., Tsakalidis A., Aggelakakis A., Pitsiava-Latinopoulou M., (2013), “Assessment of bus lane violations in relation to road infrastructure, traffic and land-use features: the case of Thessaloniki, Greece”, European Transport / Trasporti Europei, Issue No 55, ISTIEE, 2013.
  6. Gavanas N., Tsakalidis A., Aggelakakis A., Pitsiava-Latinopoulou M., (2013), “Assessment of bus lane violations in relation to road infrastructure, traffic and land-use features: the case of Thessaloniki, Greece”, 2013.
  7. J.G. Feliu, Morana J., Salanova Grau J.M., Ma T. (2013), “Design and scenario assessment for collaborative logistics and freight transport systems”, International Journal of Transport Economics, Volume XL, No 2, pp. 207-240, 2013.
  8. Lee, H., T. Zhang, M. Boile, S. Theofanis, S. Choo (2013), “Designing an Integrated Logistics Network in a Supply Chain System” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 17(4), pp. 806-814, 2013.
  9. M. Morfoulaki, Y. Tyrinopoulos, N. Kotoula, G. Myrovali, N. Georgantis, (2013), “ADDRESSING SEASONAL TRANSPORT DEMAND IN TOURISTIC AREAS THROUGH PUBLIC TRANSPORT INTERVENTIONS” WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Volume 130, Pages 673-683, 2013.
  10. Mandzuka S., Zura M., Horvat B., Bicanic D., Mitsakis E. (2013), “Directives of the EU on ITS and their impact on the Republic of Croatia”, PROMET - Scientific Journal on Traffic and Transportation Research, Volume 25, No 3, pp. 273-283, 2013.
  11. Mitropoulos, L.K., P.D. Prevedouros, (2013), “Assessment of Sustainability for Transportation Vehicles”. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2344, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., pp. 88-97, 2013.
  12. Mitsakis E., Chatziathanasiou M., Tyrinopoulos Y., Iordanopoulos P. (2013), “Current status of ITS deployment in Greece”, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 169-173, ISSN: 2301- 3680.
  13. Mitsakis E., Papanikolaou A., Aifadopoulou G., Chrysostomou K. (2013), “Review of technologies for emergency management of climate change related impacts on transport networks”, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 164-168, ISSN: 2301-3680.
  14. Mitsakis E., Papanikolaou A., Aifadopoulou G., Salanova Grau J.M., Doll C., Giannopoulos G., Zerefos C. (2013), “An integrated framework for linking climate change impacts to emergency adaptation strategies for transport networks”, European Transport Research Review, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s12544- 013-0114-0.
  15. Mitsakis E., Salanova Grau J. M., Chrysohoou E., Stamos I., Aifadopoulou G. (2013), “Multi-criteria route choice in road networks”, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2013.
  16. Mitsakis E., Stamos I., Papanikolaou A., Aifadopoulou G., Kontoes H. (2013), “Assessment of climate change impacts and extreme weather events on transport networks: Case study of the 2007 wildfires in Peloponnesus”, Natural Hazards - Springer, DOI 10.1007/s1069-013-0896-3
  17. Mitsakis E., Stamos I., Salanova Grau J.M., Chrysochoou E., Iordanopoulos P., Aifadopoulou G. (2013), “Urban mobility indicators for Thessaloniki”, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 148-152, ISSN: 2301-3680.
  18. Mittal N., Boile M., Baveja A., Theofanis S. (2013), “Incorporating Maritime Stakeholder Perspectives for Implementing an ‘Inland-Depots-for-Empty-Containers’ System Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process” International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management. Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-23, 2013.
  19. Peric, K., M. Boile (2013), “A Bilevel Model for Transit Vehicle Allocation” Gradevinar, Vol. 65, Issue 3, pp. 213-222, 2013.
  20. Salanova Grau J.M., Estrada Romeu M.A., Mitsakis E., Stamos I. (2013), “Agent based modeling for simulation of taxi services”, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering,Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 159-163, ISSN: 2301- 3680.
  21. Stamos I., Kitis G., Basbas S. (2013), “The implementation of a contra-flow bus lane in the city of Thessaloniki: Energy and environmental impacts”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 22, No 7b, pp. 2191-2196, 2013.
  22. Stamos I., Salanova Grau J.M., Mitsakis E., Aifadopoulou G., Chiu Y.C. (2013), “On criticality assessment based evacuation modeling: empirical findings”, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering,Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 153-158, ISSN: 2301-3680.


  1. Anagnostopoulou A., Repousis P., Tarantilis Ch, and Boile M. (2013), “A multiple plan approach for the vehicle routing problem with dynamic customer requests”, Proceedings of the 6th Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18 October, 2013.
  2. Anagnostopoulou A., Sdoukopoulos E., Boile M. (2013), “Assessing the impact of marine terminal gate operational and infrastructure improvements”, 15th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM), Published in Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources: IMAM 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 625- 633, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Eds: Carlos Guedes Soares, Fernando López Peña, ISBN: 978-1- 138—00124-4, A Corũna, Spain, 14 – 17 October, 2013.
  3. Boile M., Theofanis S., Golias M., Dougherty P., Sdoukopoulos E. (2013), “Gate Strategies’ Impact on Marine Container Terminal Access Networks”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July, 2013.
  4. Boile M., Theofanis S., Mann H., Betak J., Sdoukopoulos E. (2013), “Freight Facility Location Analysis to Support Port Related Activity – Economic and Transportation Drivers and Factors Affecting Site Selection”, Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Marseille, France, 3 – 5 July, 2013.
  5. Boile Μ., Theofanis S., Sdoukopoulos Ε., Moini N., Margaritis D. (2013), “Assessing the impacts of a marine container terminal gate appointment system using simulation” (in Greek), Proceedings of the 6th Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18 October, 2013.
  6. Chrysochoou E., Tzenos P., Aifadopoulou G. (2013), “Optimum journey planning algorithm for public transport in urban networks”, 6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October, 2013.
  7. Chrysochoou E., Ziliaskopoulos A. (2013), “A stochastic vehicle routing model and its specifications”, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Euro INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy, July 1-4, 2013.
  8. Dr. G. Aifandopoulou, Dr. M. Morfoulaki, K. Kotoula, K. Chrysostomou, (2013) “Promotion of Sustainable Mobility at the Cross Border Area of Greece – Bulgaria via the use of intelligent systems”, ICTR, 2013.
  9. Dr. Maria Morfoulaki, Dr. G. Aifandopoulou, Katerina Chrysostomou, Kornhlia Maria Kotoula, (2013), Students Transport in Greece: A rational cost calculation may result a serious saving in public funds”, ICTR, 2013.
  10. E. Bekiarias, M. Panou, A. Touliou, (2013), “HMI for elderly and disabled drivers to get safely real-time warnings and information while driving”, 13th WCTR, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 15-18 July, 2013.
  11. E. Bekiaris, M. Gamou, G. Vanderheiden. (2013), “Auto-configuration through Cloud: Initial Case Studies for Universal and personalised access for all”. Conference IST Africa 2013, Nairobi, Kenya, 28-31 May 2013.
  12. E.Gagatsi, G. Myrovali, G. Aifandopoulou , A. Halatsis, (2013), “The Partly forgotten hinterland look of the "within the columns" Sea Ports”, WCTR 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July, 2013.
  13. E.Gagatsi, G.Myrovali, G.Aifadopoulou, A.Halatsis, (2013), “Redefining the role of ports as regional export gateways under the shadow of the financial crisis: The case of Mediterranean ports”, 6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 18-19, 2013.
  14. E.Gagatsi, M. Morfoulaki, (2013), “MultiActors Multi-Criteria Analysis for supporting policy making in the Greek Coastal Transport System”, 13th Special Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS) - 10th Meeting of Multiple Criteria Decision Aid, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2013.
  15. E.Gagatsi, N. Athanasopoulos, G.Vaggelas, G.Aifadopoulou, M. Morfoulaki, (2013), “ICT for cooperative supply chain visibility within a port centric intermodal setting: The case of the Thessaloniki port-rail-dryport integration”, 6th ECITL Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2013.
  16. G. Aifantopoulou, C. Caballini, E.Gagatsi, G. Myrovali, S. Sacone, (2013), “The exploitation of ICT solutions for the enhancement of Med Ports throughput and accessibility”, WCTR 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July, 2013.
  17. Gavanas N., Aggelakakis A., Papagiannis I., Politis I., Pitsiava – Latinopoulou M., (2013), “Spatial impacts from the introduction of a tramway system in the urban environment. The case study of Thessaloniki”, International Conference on "Changing Cities": Spatial, morphological, formal and socio- economic dimensions, Skiathos, Greece, 18-21 June, 2013
  18. Gavanas N., Aggelakakis A., Papagiannis I., Politis I., Pitsiava-Latinopoulou M., (2013), “Spatial impacts from the introduction of a tramway system in the urban environment. The case study of Thessaloniki”, International Conference on "Changing Cties": Spatial, morphological, formal and socio- economic dimensions, Skiathos, Greece, 18-21 June, 2013.
  19. J. Tyrinopoulos, A. Kortsari, M. Chatziathanasiou, (2013), “A supporting tool for decision making towards an economic sustainable transportation system: Athens case”, ICTR, 2013.
  20. J. Tyrinopoulos, A. Kortsari, N. Georgantis, (2013) “Transfer of the Local Transport Planning from urban to tourist environments – The island of Kos case”, ICTR, 2013.
  21. Karafa, J., M. Golias, M. Boile, S. Theofanis (2013), “Evaluation of Gate Strategies at Marine Container Terminals” Proceedings Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Paper #13-2961. 13p, 2013.
  22. Kosmopoulou S., Stamos I., Mintsis G., Basbas S., Taxiltaris C. (2013), “Formulation of Urban Traffic Master Plan with the use of macroscopic modeling techniques”,6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October, 2013.
  23. M. Morfoulaki, Y. Tyrinopoulos, N. Kotoula, G. Myrovali, N. Georgantis, (2013), “Organization of Public Transport system in Kos island", Urban Transport 2013, 19th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, Kos, Greece, 29-31 May, 2013.
  24. Mitsakis E., Chatziathanasiou M., Tyrinopoulos Y., Iordanopoulos P. (2013), “Current status of ITS deployment in Greece”, 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-16 March, 2013.
  25. Mitsakis E., Papanikolaou A., Aifadopoulou G., Chrysostomou K. (2013), “Review of technologies for emergency management of climate change related impacts on transport networks”, 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-16 March, 2013.
  26. Mitsakis E., Salanova Grau J.M, (2013), “Transitions of urban mobility due to technologies: Thessaloniki smart city”, International Conference on "Changing Cιties": Spatial, morphological, formal and socio-economic dimensions, Skiathos, Greece, June 18-21, 2013.
  27. Mitsakis E., Salanova Grau J.M., Aifadopoulou G., Tzenos P. (2013), “Advanced Traveler Information Services based on estimated and forecasted real-time traffic conditions in Thessaloniki”, 6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October, 2013.
  28. Mitsakis E., Stamos I., Salanova Grau J.M., Chrysochoou E., Iordanopoulos P., Aifadopoulou G. (2013), “Urban mobility indicators for Thessaloniki”, 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-16 March, 2013.
  29. Mitsakis Ε., Salanova Grau J.M., Chrysohoou E., Aifadopoulou G. (2013), “A robust method for real- time estimation of travel times for dense urban road networks using point-to-point detectors”, Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 2013.
  30. P. D. Prevedouros, Mitropoulos, L.K. 9 (2013), “Sample Sustainability Assessment for Automobiles by Type of Propulsion”. International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA 2013), Oahu, Hawaii, USA, June 25-29, 2013.
  31. Papoutsis K., Basbas S., Bouhouras E., Sdoukopoulos E. (2013), “Impact Investigation of the economic crisis to the road freight sector in Thessaloniki”, 19th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, Published in Urban Transport XIX, Vol. 130, pp. 547–558, WITpress, Editor: C.A. Brebbia, ISBN: 978-1-84564-716-2, Kos. Greece, 29-31 May, 2013.
  32. Pitisiava-Latinopoulou M., Gavanas N., Tsakalidis A., Aggelakakis A., Verani E., Sdoukopoulos A (2013), “Investigation of the flow speed relation in urban networks. Implementation for the cateforised road network of Thessaloniki, Greece”, Proceedings of the 6th Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 17 -18 October.
  33. Pitsiava-Latinopoulou M., Gavanas N., Tsakalidis A., Aggelakakis A., Verani E., Sdoukopoulos A., (2013), “Investigation of the flow-speed relation in urban networks. Implementation for the categorised road network of Thessaloniki, Greece”, 6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October, 2013.
  34. Rijavec R., Mitsakis E., Niculescu M., Kernstock W. (2013), “Intelligent transport system deployment and integration in South East Europe”, 21st International Symposium on Electronics in Transport, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 25-26 March, 2013.
  35. Salanova Grau J.M., Aifadopoulou G., Myrovali G., Kyriakou N., Savvas A. (2013), “Towards an efficient taxi industry reform in areas with high vehicle ownership ratio and a developing public transport system; the case of Cyprus”, 13th World Congress on Transport Research, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013
  36. Salanova Grau J.M., Estrada Romeu M.A., Mitsakis E., Stamos I. (2013), “Agent based modeling for simulation of taxi services”,2nd International Conference on Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-16 March, 2013.
  37. Sdoukopoulos Α., Pitsiava – Latinopoulou M., Sdoukopoulos E., Gavanas N. (2013), “Comparative analysis of the perceived pedestrian level of service with the results of a recent model for the estimation of the pedestrian LOS” (in Greek), Proceedings of the 6th Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18 October, 2013.
  38. Stamos I., Aifadopoulou G., Mitsakis E., Chrysochoou E. (2013), “Thessaloniki's static traffic assignment model development and urban mobility indicators”, 6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October, 2013.
  39. Stamos I., Salanova Grau J.M., Mitsakis E. (2013), “Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams: Simulation findings for Thessaloniki's road network”, 6th International Congress on Transport Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-7 October, 2013.
  40. Stamos I., Salanova Grau J.M., Mitsakis E., Aifadopoulou G., Chiu Y.C. (2013), “On criticality assessment based evacuation modeling: empirical findings”, 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-16 March, 2013.
  41. Ε. Bekiaris, M. Panou, A. Touliou, E. Gaitanidou, (2013), “The impact of aftermarket devices on distance keeping and traffic efficiency”, 13th WCTR, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 15-18 July, 2013.


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