Dr. Dimitris Margaritis, BSc in Automotive Eng, MSc in Environment Protection, graduate of the Pedagogical and Technological Education institute (MEd) and PhD in Air Quality. He is also a Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineer candidate at AUTh.
He is a Research Associate primarily in the area of Traffic Safety and Transport Greening. Since 2006 he works at CERTH/HIT. He has been responsible for the “Clean Vehicle” Lab (2008-2010), the “Environmental and Energy Impact of Transport Systems” Lab (2006-2017) and he is responsible for the "Institute data analysis, Impact Factors and success Indicators Assessment" Lab, as well as for the ISO 9001-2015 process quality system of I.MET. He is the creator and coordinator of the “Mobile Lab for Environmental, Pavement and Traffic Measurements” and of the clean vehicle infrastructure.
Since 2011, he has also been teaching at the ATEI Vehicle Technology department as a part-time lecturer. From 1999-2006 he worked for the Crash Safety department at TNO Automotive in The Netherlands. He contributed to the establishment of the first in-depth accident research team in The Netherlands. Among his accident analysis activities, he participated in EuroNCAP crash tests.
He has been involved in more than 40 national (Greek and Dutch) and EU research projects. He jointed networks such as EEVC WG21, APSN, ECTRI TWG-B and was the national representative in ITF/OECD Working Group on Motorcyclists Safety. He joins ETSC, CARE, ITF/OECD IRTAD, EGVIA, EARPA, ERTICO, FIM, EEA and HELIEV (a member of AVERE).
He has authored and co-authored about 50 journal and refereed conference articles. He speaks very well English and Dutch, and notion French.
Automotive Engineer, MSc in Environmental Protection
6th Km. Charilaou - Thermi
Po.Code. 57001
Po.Box. 60361
Tel. +30.2310.498467
Fax. +30.2310.498269
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Curriculum Vitae