Maria Papandreou holds a Diploma from the Department of Civil Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace. She obtained her MSc on “Environmental Impacts of Techno-Accidents and Natural Disasters from the Environment and Sustainable Development of the University of Aegean. She works in the Hellenic Institute of Transport since 2018 as a Director of HIT Department of South Aegean Region. She undertakes the issues related to the combined Transport and Tourism services chain, the development of intelligent algorithms and personalized services for its support and its advancement through innovative Strategic and Business plans. Participates in projects as ΜΑΤΕS Maritime Alliance for fostering the European Blue Economy Through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy. SAFEMODE Strengthening synergies between Aviation and maritime in the area of human Factors towards achieving more Efficient and resilient MODE of transportation (H2020), ReCreate REinforce Competitiveness of REgionAl Transport SMEs (Ιnterreg Europe), ELEKTRON Lab of Excellence for monitoring the environmental impact of transport and for promoting e-mobility in Islands and NEMO - New and flexible modes of electromobility in Southern Aegean.
She is Member of the Delegation Comitee the Technical Chamber of Greece, Dodecanese Branch, Member of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and she also is Member of the BoD of the Hellenic Association of Engineers Contractors for Public Works.
Civil Engineer, MSc Director of the HIT Branch of the South Aegean Region Head of Laboratory D1 “Intelligent and personalised algorithms for combined transport and tourism services”
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Rhodes Island
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Curriculum Vitae