To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.
Xenofon Kitsios picture
Xenophon Kitsios has been employed as a computer scientist at the Hellenic Institute of Transport of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas since December 2019. He is a graduate of the department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, with Software specialization. Additionally, he completed the postgraduate program in Computer Science with Data, Information, and Knowledge Management specialization from the same department and university. Since 2022, he has been a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Informatics at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

Contact Details

Loudovikou 1, Piraeus, Athens
Po.Code. 18531
Tel. +30.211.0130490
Fax. +30.211.01304911
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Curriculum Vitae

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