Research Associate Economic Science (BSc) & Services Management (MSc)
52 Egialias Str, Marousi, Athens
Po.Code. 15125
Tel. +30.211.1069588
Fax. +30.210.6533031
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Curriculum Vitae
Ioanna Pappa
Ioanna Pappa was born in Arta (Greece) in 1979. She holds a Degree (BSc) in Economics (Department of Economics) and an MSc in Services Management (Department of Business Administration) from the Athens University of Economics (AUEB). She has strong experience in financial administration of European and National projects, with special expertise in budget development, cost eligibility, agreement validation, sub-contractors monitoring, also in dissemination actions (workshops, conferences, etc.). Since July 2018, she is working in the Hellenic Institute of Transportation (HIT) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), in the financial management of EU and National projects and supports the preparation and submission of project proposals as well.
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