Dr. Benekos is a registered Professional Civil Engineer at the Technical Chamber of Greece with 24+ years of professional experience. He is Greece’s national representative in PIARC’s (World Road Association) Technical Committee (TC) 1.4 – Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks. During PIARC’s cycle 2016-2019 he was Chair of TC A.3 – Risk Management where, since 2008 as Greece’s representative, he has been steering international multidisciplinary research working groups in risk and emergency/disaster management and he have worked on several projects involving management of risks in road-related infrastructure. In 2013, he was runner-up for the Position of Secretary General of the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR).
Dr. Benekos has managed multiple projects concurrently, elaborated and implemented research programs and strategic planning decisions, led and coached multidisciplinary and international teams in the engineering consulting industry, international organizations and academia/research institutions. He has also taught several courses, including Project Management and Corporate Risk Management, as Assistant Professor at various Universities and has provided risk management and strategic planning seminars to firms and educational institutions. Since 2019, he is the Head of the Risk Management and Resilience A.5 Laboratory at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) of the Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and Scientific Responsible for Horizon 2020 projects related to disaster management. In 2021 he joined the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI)’s Thematic Group on Security & Resilience as co-Leader on behalf of the HIT.
Head of Laboratory A5
Civil & Environmental Engineer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
52 Egialias Str, Marousi, Athens
Po.Code. 15125
Tel. +30.211.1069555
Fax. +30.210.6533031
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Curriculum Vitae