To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.
Evangelia Gaitanidou picture

Evangelia Gaitanidou has a Diploma in Civil Engineering and MSc on “Planning, Organization and Management of Transportation Systems” and is a PhD Candidate.
She works in the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) as Head of Road Safety and Security laboratory.
She has participated in about 30 EU funded projects in FP6, FP7 and in Horizon 2020 in most of which holding a significant role, as well as several National projects. Currently, she is the Coordinator of Drive2theFuture project (H2020-815001).
She has 55 publications in National and International peer reviewed Conferences, Journals, and books.
She has acted as Assistant Editor in the European Transport Research Review (ETRR) Journal (2009 – 2013) in which she still acts as a reviewer.
She acts as evaluator for the European Commission in MSCA proposals, while she has participated in the Organisation, Scientific and/or Programme Committees and as a reviewer in several conferences, also as tutor in Young Researchers Seminars (2019 and 2021).
She is member of the FERSI Executive Board and Lead of ECTRI Thematic Group Road Safety, member of the ETSC Infrastructure Working Group.
She was Vice-President of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, for the period 2018-2020.
Her main fields of research lie in the areas of: Road Safety, Automated Vehicles, Resilience, Clean Vehicles, Sustainable Transport, ITS, Transportation of Ε&D, Mobility for All.

Contact Details

Civil Engineer, MSc Transportation Systems
6th Km. Charilaou - Thermi
Po.Code. 57001
Po.Box. 60361
Tel. +30.2310.498452
Fax. +30.2310.498269
Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Curriculum Vitae

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