To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.


Thessaloniki, December 28th, 2017 (4th issue)


HIT’s policy comprises:

  1. The provision of services that comply with the requirements and delivery times.
  2. Compliance with legislation on quality and safety services.
  3. Improved functions, so that services can be considered of high quality.
  4. Working with clients and external collaborators, aiming at the improvement of its services.
  5. The improvement of employees in order to perform their duties effectively and actively participate in continuous improvement of the quality of their work.
  6. Compliance with the product / service specifications and design requirements.
  7. The Quality Management System continuous improvement through Internal Audits and Quality Committee meetings, and confirmation of removing any discrepancies.
  8. The implementation and review of Policy and Quality Objectives.  


These are based on the following interrelations:

quality policy


The way to control activities of HIT is:

  • The definition of responsibilities for each activity.
  • The documentation of works.
  • Checking during the works and on final delivery.
  • Record keeping proving the services quality.
  • The inspection of the implementation of the above, through internal quality audits.
  • The process of improving its operations.

And achieved using the tools:

  • Electronic registration system for monitoring the under submission proposals.
  • Electronic status form for each project that is updated yearly.
  • Automatic reports of progress indexes per project per unit, per researcher, etc.


  1. Notification to executives and staff of H.I.T. of the Quality Policy (posting on the notice board).
  2. Organization of information sessions for staff.
  3. Active participation in the implementation of the Quality Committee meetings.
  4. Obligation of the Heads of Departments to inform their subordinates on the content of the Quality Policy.
  5. Notification to the personnel of matters relating to policy.
  6. Meeting customer requirements, based on statutory and regulatory provisions and decisions and comply with them.
  7. Dissemination of Policy and Quality Objectives to the whole structure and hierarchy of H.I.T.
  8. Support to the Quality Manager.
  9. Confirmation of early integration of resources in H.I.T. projects.
  10. Planning the scientific education / training of the staff either in Greece or abroad.
  11. Seeking a suitable purpose for the quality assurance policy.
  12. Promise to comply with requirements and the continuous improvement of the quality management system effectiveness.
  13. Provision of a working framework for assessing and reporting on quality items.
  14. Communication and understanding of quality policy.
  15. Report on a continuous responsibility for quality policy.

Angelos Bekiaris

H.I.T. Director

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