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The 6th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Groningen, The Netherlands. 

The 6th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans took place on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 June 2019 in Groningen, The Netherlands. The focus of the conference was on providing support to sustainable and active cities within the SUMP context, i.e. how to make cities more walkable and cycle-friendly.

The European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans is Europe's leading annual event for all those involved in putting the SUMP concept into practice. It serves as a forum for policy makers, local authorities, urban transport planners, academics, NGOs and other mobility professionals. The event offers opportunities to network, debate key issues and to exchange ideas on sustainable urban mobility planning. The conference is co-funded by the European Commission in cooperation with the Municipality of Groningen.

The updated SUMP guidelines were presented for review by the SUMP community. Since their launch in 2013, the guidelines have become the main reference for the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and have been adopted widely across Europe. The Guidelines were updated to reflect recent trends in mobility, technology and society. At various sessions with different formats, participants provided their comments and feedback on the draft-updated guidelines and gave their views on long-term planning for sustainable urban mobility. 

The Hellenic Institute of Transport as member of the Editorial Board for updating SUMP guidelines had a strong presentation in the conference.

Dr. Aifandopoulou, author of the new SUMP guide for Sustainable Urban Logistic Plans, presented the relevant work in the specific session D3. STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR EFFICIENT URBAN FREIGHT LOGISTICS.

Dr. Maria Morfoulaki as co-author of the SUMP guide for  Metropolitan Areas, co-presented in the session D5 the specific guide and also presented the results of the REFORM project, “Recommendations for strengthening the role of Regions in achieving sustainable urban mobility” which is coordinated by HIT.

REFORM project, was also shortly presented by Ms. Maria Chatziathanasiou, in the Opening Plenary session, as was one of the projects, which was being exhibited in the MARKET PLACE of the conference.

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