To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: DRUID
Project Title: Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines
Duration: 60 months (15/10/2006 – 14/10/2011)

Description: The Integrated Project DRUID (Driving under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines) dealed with the scourge of drink-driving and went to find answers to questions concerning the use of drugs or medicines that affect people’s ability to drive safely. DRUID brought together the most experienced organisations and researchers throughout Europe, involving more than 20 European countries. The aim was to gain new insights to the real degree of impairment caused by psychoactive drugs and their actual impact on road safety. All in all, this Integrated Project filled the gaps of knowledge and provided a solid base to generate harmonised, EU-wide regulations for driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs and medicine. The European Integrated Project DRUID was a part of the 6th Framework Programme. It brought together 36 institutes from 18 European countries.

Objectives: As consumption of psychoactive substances such as alcohol, drugs and certain medicines are likely to endanger the drivers’ aptitude and impaired driving is still one of the major causes for road accidents, some active steps had to be taken to reach the goal of a 50% reduction in the number of road deaths in the EU. The objective of DRUID was to give scientific support to the EU transport policy to reach the 2010th road safety target by establishing guidelines and measures to combat impaired driving.

DRUID main objectives were:

  • conduct reference studies of the impact on fitness to drive for alcohol, illicit drugs and medicines and give new insights to the real degree of impairment caused by psychoactive drugs and their actual impact on road safety;
  • generate recommendations for the definition of analytical and risk thresholds;
  • analyse the prevalence of drugs and medicines in accidents and in general driving, set up a comprehensive and efficient epidemiological database.

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT was the WP leader for the development of the content and the online tool for training healthcare professionals in the effects of different drugs on fitness to drive. HIT also conducted two experimental studies on the effect of alcohol, alprazolam and sleep apnoea to driving ability and performance. In addition, HIT contributed to the categorisation of drugs based on their effect to driving ability and the collection of rehabilitation programmes across Europe.

Contact person:
Katerina Touliou
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+30 2310 498 466
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 2310 498 453 & +30 211 1069 599


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