To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project Title: Promoting real life Observations for Gaining Understanding of road behaviour in Europe
Duration: 24 months (01/08/2009 – 31/07/2011)

Description: The project Promoting real Life Observations for Gaining Understanding of road user behaviour in Europe – for short PROLOGUE contributes to reducing the number of road casualties in Europe by further developing and testing the naturalistic observation methodology. Based on the literature, experiences elsewhere and a series of small-scale field trials, PROLOGUE resulted in recommendations and an outline for a large-scale naturalistic study in Europe, dealing with research questions, methodology and technology for data collection, data storage, data reduction, data mining and data analysis.

Objectives: The PROLOGUE project aimed to assess the feasibility and usefulness of a large-scale Naturalistic Driving (ND) study in Europe and to formulate recommendations for such a large-scale study. The project’s main interest was road safety and its stakeholders, not only researchers, but also automotive industry, insurance companies, police, road user umbrella organisations, driver training and certification organisations, road authorities, and national and regional governments. The project also had an interest in the added value of the naturalistic observation approach for transport-related environmental issues, e.g., eco-driving, and traffic management issues, e.g., highway capacity.

PROLOGUE´s detailed objectives were to:

  • define road safety research questions benefiting from a naturalistic observation;
  • assess its added value compared with other research methods;
  • identify other areas of application and corresponding stakeholders of a naturalistic observation approach;
  • describe the current technical possibilities for data collection and data analysis in relation to the theoretical requirements for the identified application areas;
  • define the methodological and organisational requirements in the identified application areas
  • show the current technical, methodological and organisational possibilities in a number of small-scale trials;
  • show the usefulness and value of naturalistic observation results for a number of identified application areas in a number of small-scale field trials;
  • create interest and commitment of identified stakeholders for the application of naturalistic observation studies;
  • define the principles and requirements for a large-scale European naturalistic driving study, combining the areas of interest of the identified stakeholders.

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT was a test site and evaluated the distraction in real-life driving conditions and also organised the European workshop with the participation of numerous centres from several Member States.

Contact person:
Katerina Touliou
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+30 2310 498 466
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 2310 498 453 & +30 211 1069 599


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