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Acronym: ACTIBIO
Project Title: Unobtrusive Authentication Using Activity Related and Soft Biometrics
Duration: 36 months (01/03/2008 — 28/02/2011)

Description: Unobtrusive Authentication Using ACTIvity-Related and Soft BIOmetrics (ACTIBIO) was an EU Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) where new types of biometrics were combined with state-of-the-art unobtrusive technologies in order to enhance security in a wide spectrum of applications. The project aimed to develop a modular, robust, multimodal biometrics security authentication and monitoring system, which used a biodynamic physiological profile, unique for each individual, and advancements of the state of the art in unobtrusive behavioral and other biometrics, such as face, gait recognition, and seat-based anthropometrics. Several shortcomings of existing biometric recognition systems were addressed within this project, which have helped in improving existing sensors, in developing new algorithms, and in designing applications, towards creating new, unobtrusive, biometric authentication procedures in security-sensitive, Ambient Intelligence environments.

Objectives: ACTIBIO aimed to research and develop a completely new concept in biometric authentication: the extraction of multi-modal biometric signatures based on the response of the user to specific stimuli, while performing specific but natural work-related activities. The novelty of the approach lied in the fact that the biometric measurements would correspond to the response of the person to specific events being, however, fully unobtrusive and fully integrated in an Ambient Intelligence infrastructure.

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT was a test site and evaluated the technologies in controlled studies.

Contact person:
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 2310 498 453 & +30 211 1069 599


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