To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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Project title: SKILLs and competences development of FUture transportation profes­sionals at all Levels

Duration: 36 months (1/10/2016 – 30/09/2019)


SKILLFUL vision is to identify the skills and competences needed by the Trans­port workforce of the future (2020, 2030 and 2050 respectively) and define the training methods and tools to meet them.


SKILLFUL aims are threefold:

  1. to critically review the existing, emerging and future knowledge and skills requirements of workers at all levels in the transportation sector, with emphasis on competences re­quired by important game changers and paradigm shifters (such as elec­trification and greening of transport, automation, MaaS, etc.;
  2. to structure the key specifications and components of the curricula and training courses that will be needed to meet these competence requirements optimally, with emphasis on multidis­ciplinary education and training pro­grammes;
  3. to identify and propose new business roles in the education and training chain, in particular those of “knowl­edge aggregator”, “training certifier” and “training promoter”, in order to achieve European wide competence development and take-up in a sus­tainable way.


CERTH/HIT, and more specifically its Director Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris, is the Tech­nical and Innovation Manager. The work of the Technical Manager is to support the Coordinator in the monitoring of the quality and pace of the work, to guaran­tee the timely achievement of the techni­cal activities of the project, as well as the compatibility and complementarily of the followed approach, to preside over tech­nical meetings and propose mitigation strategies to technical problems. Specif­ically, the Technical Manager's responsibil­ities include:

  • monitoring and evaluation of the tech­nical results against the technological objectives of the SKILLFUL Project;
  • coordination of the technical progress and compilation of the technical proj­ect progress report for the overall an­nual progress reports and EC reviews;
  • supervision of the project demonstra­tions in exhibitions and key events, including the project internal demon­stration events;
  • coordination of the SKILLFUL Scenari­os Guide issue and its updates.

The Technical & Innovation Manager also paves the way for an early adoption of the results and is responsible to manage the existing knowledge inside the Consor­tium and to protect the IP generated by the SKILLFUL project results. Moreover, the Innovation Manager takes care of the monitoring of external & internal oppor­tunities and threats that can impact the Consortium and the delivery of its results.

Additionally, CERTH/ HIT is the Coordina­tor of SKILLFUL WP1 and of many other project’s activities.

Contact Persons: Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 211 1069 552
Matina Loukea
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+30 211 10 69 556

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