To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: MyCorridor
Project Title: Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor
Duration: 36 months (01/06/2017 – 31/05/2020)

MyCorridor mission is to facilitate sustainable travel in urban and interurban areas and across borders by replacing private vehicle ownership by private vehicle use, as just one element in an integrated/multi-modal Mobility as a Service (MaaS) chain, through the provision of an innovative platform that will combine connected traffic management and multi modal services and, thus, facilitate modal shift.

It will propose a technological and business MaaS solution, which will cater for interoperability, open data sharing, while tackling the legislative, business related and travel-behavior adaptation barriers enabling the emergence of a new business actor across Europe; the one of a Mobility Services Aggregator. MyCorridor will in specific enable a paradigm shift for car users, by driving the “vehicle world” towards MaaS. The basis of the MyCorridor project is the TM2.0 platform (i.e. as an enabler of MaaS), and, therefore, the starting point are those mobility services related to the interactive traffic management vision of the “vehicle world”. It aims to extend the current capability of TM 2.0 by integrating in a single platform pan-European data sets, able to offer urban and interurban services that are multimodal, seamless, flexible, reliable, user-friendly, all-inclusive, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.

MyCorridor will prove the feasibility of its integrated (technological and business) solution in a number of European sites, which are connected and form a cross-border corridor (from the far South to the far North, crossing Central and Eastern Europe) with road transport and multimodal chains. Travelers will use Mobility Tokens to purchase through a single point to the MyCorridor one-stop-shop mobility, infomobility and added value services adhering to: a) Traffic management services (advanced navigation, adaptive traffic control, traffic status & event detection, dynamic traffic management), b) Services related to MaaS PT interface (Multi-modal real time information/planning/booking/ticketing), c) MaaS vehicle related services (car sharing, car-pooling, parking, taxi, …), and d) Horizontal services (loyalty schemes, Mobility Tokens, clearing). Travellers will interact with the MyCorridor one-stop-shop through mobile applications (Android & iPhone) and in-vehicle applications (proof of concept for TomTom devices).
MyCorridor tasks will be undertaken by a balanced consortium that encompasses all key actors, namely 3 key industrial Partners (SWARCO MIZAR, SWARCO Hellas (INFOTRIP), Tom-Tom), 6 dynamic SMEs in the mobility market (CHAPS, WINGS, MAPTM, AMCO, VivaWallet, HaCon), 1 mobility agency (RSM), 1 ITS association (TTS), 4 Research performers (UNEW, CERTH, UPAT, SRFG), 1 multinational Legal Firm with specialisation in novel mobility scheme structuring (OC) and IRU which will act as the liaison to MaaS Alliance.

The project aims to develop the technological and business platform, which will enable technologies, applications, business models, legal and operational schemes and travel behavior adaptation and promotion strategies to make MaaS a sustainable reality, seamlessly integrating public and private transportation means as needed, into a cross-border travel chain, without owing any of them. This will be realized through the following objectives:

  1. Integration of MaaS vehicles into a multimodal service chain platform.
  2. Provision of a new business paradigm, actor and model for pan-European cross-border adoption.
  3. Proof of concept of the new business model and integrated platform by selected UC’s and performance of full operational analysis and impact assessment through interconnected Pilots across a European corridor.

HIT key role and responsibilities:
HIT has assumed the following responsibilities:

  • Technical and Innovation Management.
  • Development of Use Cases and conduct of associated focus groups and workshops.
  • Development of mobile applications in Android and iPhone for one-stop-shop.
  • Personalisation algorithms for content and devices.
  • Involvement in Greek test site set-up and trials and conduct of associated focus groups.

Contact person:
Maria Gkemou

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+30 211 1069 553


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