To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.


Acronym: FENIX
Project Title: Future business models for the Efficient recovery of Natural and Industrial secondary resources in eXtended supply chains contexts
36 months (01/01/2018-30/04/2021)

Description: FENIX project, aiming to demonstrate a set of innovative business models through a multi-functional and multi-sectorial manufacturing centre constituted by several existing pilot plants coming from previous European projects. THE MAIN AIM of FENIX is the development of new business models and industrial strategies for three novel supply chains in order to enable value-added product-services. To this aim, three pilot plants will be implemented:

  1. A modular, multi-material and reconfigurable pilot plant producing 3D printing metal powders.
  2. A modular, multi-material and reconfigurable pilot plant producing customized jewels.
  3. A modular, multi-material and reconfigurable pilot plant producing 3D printing advanced filaments.

THE SECOND AIM of FENIX is the representation of a set of success stories coming from the application of CIRCULAR ECONOMY PRINCIPLES in different industrial sectors, that will demonstrate how their adoption can enable more sustainable supply chains, by increasing quality, market value and alternative exploitation of secondary materials.

THE THIRD AIM of FENIX is the integration of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) for the efficient recovery of secondary resources.

Figure 1 - Overall concept of the FENIX project


  • Define a set of potential B2B and B2C business models and industrial strategies in several manufacturing sectors.
  • Implement novel supply chains focused on the sustainable and functional recycling of secondary raw materials, starting from different waste streams and sectors.
  • Demonstrate, through a set of dedicated pilot plants, the real implementation of a circular economy, how it could be an enabling factor to rebalance the availability of critical raw materials between Europe and the rest of the world and the sustainability of production processes (in particular, additive manufacturing ones).
  • Validate KETs could support the evolution of current end-of-life processes towards a sharing of information with all the end-users (both industrials and consumers).
  • Prove how production process flexibility could be exploited to easily reuse/reconfigure capacity all over Europe for several supply chains, what are the processes enabling their integration (and the creation of new ones) and how they could be able to offer new business opportunities from the treatment of different kinds of materials and the development of sustainable product-services.

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/ HIT is the responsible partner for the Social media integration and consumer’s involvement strategies. In particular, CERTH/ HIT has developed the FENIX Marketplace which serves as a digital tool which hosts all the business activities of the project use cases, while acting, at the same time, as an online community of members that will interact with each other and engage in delivering tasks for new innovations in area of green growth through an Open Innovation Platform.

Contact person:
Aristotelis Spiliotis
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