To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: Mobility4EU
Project title: Action Plan for the future of Mobility in Europe
Duration: 24 months ( 01/01/2016-31/12/2018)

Description: MOBILITY4EU project (H2020:690732), is working on delivering a vision for the European transport system in 2030 and an Action Plan including a Roadmap to implement that vision. Recommendations for tangible measures in research, innovation and implementation targeted towards various stakeholder groups are being derived. The aim is to develop an action plan for the coherent implementation of innovative transport and mobility solutions in Europe, taking into account all modes of transport as well as a multitude of societal drivers encompassing health, environment and climate protection, public safety and security, demographic change, urbanization and globalization, economic development, digitalization and smart system integration.

MOBILITY4EU aims to:

  • identify and assess societal challenges that will influence future transport demand and supply;
  • establish a future vision of a transport system in 2030 that reflects the various societal drivers;
  • develop an action plan including a roadmap for the implementation of that vision taking into account user needs, new mobility concepts, the implication of these new concepts on policy, new business models, and promoting consensus building around new solutions and good practices;
  • recommend tangible measures in research, innovation and implementation for meeting the respective targets and challenges;
  • sustain the work of the project beyond its duration in the form of a new European transport and mobility forum.

To achieve these objectives, Mobility4EU sets a participatory framework involving all relevant actors from inside and outside the transport sector, covering all transport modes.

HIT key role and responsibilities:
HIT is participating in a lot of activities in the project, but has 2 main responsibilities:

  • HIT is responsible to establish, extend and sustain a network of national and regional stakeholders and contact points in the European MS and AS and relevant non-EU countries coming from the public side, European Technology Platforms (ETPs) in the transport domain, other industrial stakeholders, national research and innovation agencies, research programme managers, other sectorial initiatives and policy makers, representatives of transport users.
  • HIT is responsible to realize the assessment of challenges and barriers for the solutions coming from the MAMCA methodology implementation, using the extended FMES (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) methodology


Contact Person:
Εleni Chalkia
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