Acronym: MyTrac
Project title: My TRAvel Companion
Duration: 36 months ( 01/09/2017-31/08/2020)
Description: MyTrac project, aiming to develop a novel transport services platform for the rail sector, designed for public and private transport users and operators in order to provide an improved passenger experience by developing and applying advanced behavioral and transport analytics and Artificial Intelligence algorithms to meaningful data gathered from diverse public transport and Open Data sources.
Objectives: My-TRAC has the following key objectives:
- To develop a transversal user centric platform (My-TRAC Travel Companion), which will provide an operator web-based interface and a passenger Travel Companion application.
- To develop Travel Companion (My-TRAC Travel Companion) that will behave like a real trip companion understanding user needs and anticipating and suggesting activities or services.
- To develop a Trip Tracking service that will guide and help the passenger through the door-to-door multimodal trip.
- To create a Social Market service that will enhance user experience by extending the value of a single ticket by providing added value services adapted to their profile.
- To develop an advanced Human Machine Interface that will adapt to user profile, preferences and accessibility needs in real time.
- To develop an operator's interface that will manage real-time historic passenger data useful to improve and adapt services to travellers' needs
HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/HIT, and more specifically Sector A team, will prepare the Personalized Human Machine Interface of MyTrac system, as the leader of WP4 and will also participate in its development at WP5.
CERTH/HIT, and more specifically Sector B team, will participate in the traveler’s activities preference analysis using social computing.
Contact Person:
Εleni Chalkia
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