To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project title: SAFE and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplications
Duration: 36 months (01/05/2017 – 30/04/2020)

Description: SAFE STRIP aims to introduce a breakthrough technology that will achieve to embed C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) applications in existing road infrastructure, including novel I2V (Infrastructure to Vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle to Infrastructure), as well as VMS/VSL (Variable Message Signs/ Variable Speed Limits) functions into low-cost, integrated strips markers on the road to make roads self-explanatory (with personalised in-vehicle messages) and forgiving (due to advanced cooperative functions) for all road users (trucks, cars and vulnerable road users, such as PTWs - Powered Two Wheelers riders) and all vehicle generations (non-equipped, C-ITS equipped, autonomous), with reduced maintenance cost, full recyclability and added value services, as well as supporting real-time predictive road maintenance functions. The functionality of the cooperative system applications is to be implemented by a revolutionary idea: through low-cost micro/ nano sensor communities embedded in road elements (in road pavement tapes/ markers), thus not requiring costly sensors or infrastructural elements.

Objectives: The project will be realised through the following objectives:

  • To develop a novel micro/nano sensorial system – called SAFE STRIP – integrated in road pavement tapes/ markers; that will provide advanced safety functions to all road users at a fraction of the cost of current I2V/V2I nodes and roadside equipment (VMS, VDS – Vehicle Delivery Services, etc.).
  • To support predictive infrastructure maintenance, through dynamic road embedded sensors input.
  • To make road infrastructure (mainly for highways and interurban roads, but also for city rings and selected rural roads) self-explanatory (through personalised info in own language and preferred format provided by the system to each driver/rider) and forgiving (through key I2V/V2I info provided to the cooperative system of the vehicle; such as dynamic speed limit and friction coefficient factor); for all vehicle types.
  • ''To make roads (especially highways and the interurban network) self-explanatory (with personalised in-vehicle messages) and forgiving to driving errors or unforeseen changes to driving conditions (due to advanced cooperative functions) for all road users (trucks, cars, motorbikes, vulnerable road users, etc.) and for all vehicle generations (C-ITS equipped, non-equipped, autonomous)''.
  • To extend this notion to parking depots, key intermodal nodes, such as railway crossings, harbour loading/uploading areas and logistic depots and –above all – work zone areas.
  • To reduce the infrastructure operational (including VMS/VSL info and toll collection functions), installation and maintenance costs by orders of magnitude, make it nearly energy autonomous and its modules fully recyclable.
  • To provide key info to C-ITS equipped and autonomous vehicles about road, weather and traffic conditions ahead, to support dynamic trajectory estimation and optimisation.
  • To support a wide range of added value services (through “pushed” info to the driver/rider) and facilitate the SAFE STRIP rapid market deployment and sustainability through efficient business models.
  • To evaluate the system in an iterative manner, across 4 evaluation rounds in 3 controlled environments in Valladolid (in Spain) and Milan and Turin (in Italy) and in real life conditions with drivers/riders in two highways (A22 motorway in Italy and Attiki Odos Highway in Greece). In the evaluation activities, 4 car and 3 PTW equipped demonstrators – provided by different Partners – will be used. Technical validation and user trials will be conducted to validate its performance, evaluate user interface and acceptance aspects and, finally, assess its impacts to safety, mobility, the environment and European industrial competitiveness.

The vast potential of SAFE STRIP will be demonstrated through the following C-ITS applications:

  • Virtual Cooperative safety function
  • Enhanced Cooperative safety function
  • Road wear level and predictive road maintenance
  • Rail crossing and road works safety functions
  • Merging and Intersection Support: e2Call
  • Personalised VMS/VDS and Traffic Centre Information
  • Autonomous vehicles support
  • Virtual Toll Collection - for non-autonomous vehicles
  • Parking booking and charging

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT has assumed the following responsibilities:

  • Overall Technical & Innovation Management of the project, key integrator, provider of 2 equipped demonstrators (one passenger car and one PTW) and leader of the Greek test site (ATTIKI ODOS) trials.
  • Stakeholders’ needs surveys & development of Use Cases.
  • C-ITS vehicle modules, Decision Making Algorithms and User trials evaluation framework development .
  • Development of cooperative Personalised VMS/VDS and Traffic Centre Information application .

Contact person:
Maria Gkemou

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+30 211 1069 553

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