Acronym: Accessibility Study
Project title: Research Study on “Transport and Tourism for Persons with Disabilities and Persons Mobility”with Reduced
Duration: 7 months (01/07/2017 - 01/02/2018)
Description & Objectives: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over a billion people live with some form of disability. This means that nearly 15% of the world’s population has very significant difficulties in functioning, while rates of disability are also increasing due to population ageing and the global increase. For most persons with disability or reduced mobility, lack of accessibility in tourism and transport services affects significantly their everyday lives by restricting their options and limiting their opportunities and chances for social inclusion, integration and recreation.
In this context and in view of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) development, this Research Study has been implemented, contracted by the EU Parliament, aiming to describe the state of play of accessibility in EU Member States of both tourist destinations and transport services for persons with disabilities and reduced mobility, as well as the framework of efforts and initiatives for their inclusion into mainstream transport and tourism activities, based upon the principles of equality and the concept of sustainability of solutions and measures.
The aim of the study is also to provide Members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with clear recommendations on what could be done, in particular at the EU policy level, to support accessibility in the transport and tourism sectors.
Methodology: The study has been realised through:
- 97 literature sources analysis.
- 23 experts and 36 user representatives’ questionnaire feedback from 16 countries.
- Questionnaire feedback by National Enforcement Bodies from 16 countries.
- 16 user representatives’ interviews from 10 countries.
- 15 own experts.
- 3 workshops with 38 participants.
- 72 best practices (35 for Local, 19 for long distance and 16 for tourism) and case studies (5 for each area) from over 17 EU states and other countries (Norway, USA).
- SWOT analysis performed in all 3 sectors (local transport, long-distance transport & tourism).
- MAMCA (multi-criteria analysis) on user needs prioritization.
Indicative Results:
The main outcomes that have been included in the study and delivered to the European Parliament include:
- Clustering of EU states in “models” according to their local, long distance and tourism accessibility status, legislation and plans.
- Mapping of local, long distance and tourism accessibility across all EU states and the European legislation.
- Recommendations on all three areas for all country clusters.
- EU Policy level recommendations for local transport (4), long-distance transport (5) and tourism (4).
- Research priorities recommendations for local transport (4), long distance transport (3) and tourism (3).
HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/HIT, which has great expertise in transport accessibility issues, and a strong activity in Research and Development concerning touristic sector and especially accessible tourism (often combining these two areas), has undertaken the organisation and realisation of the study (tenderer), in cooperation with the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), as its sub-contractors
Contact Person:
Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 211 1069 552
Matina Loukea
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+30 211 10 69 556