Project title: Intelligent & Automated systems for enabling the design, simulation and development of integrated processes and products
Duration: 36 months (01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019)
Description: The project’s objective is to realise a modern and digital intelligent automation infrastructure that will be produced by CERTH so as to make the most of the existing know-how and the available infrastructure.
The particular ODYSSEUS infrastructure will work as an intelligent system for the optimum design and development of integrated solutions and automated processes, in order to ensure the smooth transition of the research and production activities of CERTH partners within the new technological framework “Factory of the Future”, for the benefits of the centre’s collaborators (public sector, enterprises, industry etc.) in Greece and internationally.
The ODYSSEUS infrastrure requires the implementation of automated and intelligent practices to optimise end-products and processes through an innovative feedback and evaluation model that will use data-driven methods of intelligent automation, as well as artificial intelligence techniques. These methods will contribute to efficient experimental redesign, in order to identify the optimum design options for the production of end products and processes according to specifications. Thus, the ODYSSEUS infrastructure is required to broaden the range of supporting applications and existing infrastructure of CERTH’s collaborating institutes in the field of intelligent automation and intelligent 3D printing (ITI), bioanalysis and life science applications/applied biosciences (INAB) and Autonomous Electric Vehicles and Transport Management (HIT).
Figure 1: General concept of the suggested project in production processes of integrated end-products.
In addition, a series of innovative tools will be integrated in order to digitize the collected and produced information as well as to use the infrastructure for intelligent analysis and big data processing (forecast, knowledge mining). These will allow the electronic supervision and mediation in the decision making process based on the symbiotic chain of the proposed ecosystem. Emerging technologies, such as additive manufacturing, will be thoroughly examined in the above mentioned areas, as such technologies could potentially act as “catalysts” for the smooth transition to the era of modern production.
The ultimate purpose of project ODYSSEUS is to create an integrated virtual development chain of all integrated processes and products, their respective production flows and their control, that will be an important part of the knowledge base that will be developed within the project. All produced results will be validated in selected pilot applications in areas such as health (medicine, food, new materials and scaffolds for medical applications, etc.), agrobiotechnology and nutrition (new varieties, development of product identity, special foods), transport (advanced driver assistance systems, autonomous vehicles, supply chain, logistics, new technologies and intelligent transport) and industry (design and evaluation of embedded circuits, etc.)
Objectives: The main objectives and innovative aspects of the project are:
- To establish an integrated digital infrastructure for CERTH that will be able to support all stakeholders that wish to successfully transition to the era of digitalization through intelligent and automated processes in all production stages focused on specific applications of CERTH’s Institutes.
- To develop an appropriate knowledge base of specific data structure and data-driven processes including models (2D/3D), historic facts and data from existing infrastructure, material characteristics and specifications, samples, etc. for the “intelligent automation” of all production processes.
- To investigate, model and thoroughly evaluate innovative technologies of intelligent process automation and appropriate infrastructure for the rapid design and development of products and processes through the use of intelligent systems simulation, big data analysis, intelligent 3D printing etc.
- To develop innovative technologies of artificial intelligence, evolutionary algorithms and smart decision making tools for the support of all phases (research, design, development, production) of automated production processes.
- To evaluate the efficiency of suggested technologies in selected pilot plants applied in IT, health, agrobiotechnology and nutrition, as well as transport.
HIT key role and responsibilities: Partner
Within the project’s framework, HIT has undertaken the following:
- The development of infrastructure to support the simulation and development of integrated, innovative products and services in the vehicle sector.
- The implementation of a laboratory for the digital production and product life cycle management related to the transport sector.
- The completion of supporting electrification infrastructure.
- The creation of a platform that will study L-category, electric autonomous vehicles (light vehicles) modifying the Institute’s hybrid motorcycle.
- The development of a platform for the optimum transport and routing of “intelligent goods”.
- The application of a scenario for the transport and routing of “intelligent goods”
Contact Person:
Dimitris Margaritis
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+30 2310 498 467