To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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Acronym: ODOS 2020
Project Title: “Intelligent cooperative integrated system for road safety and road infrastructure maintenance towards 2020” – ODOS 2020
Duration: 36 months (06/09/2018 – 05/09/2021)

Description: The proposed project “Intelligent cooperative integrated system for road safety and road infrastructure maintenance towards 2020” or simply “ODOS 2020”, throughout the collaboration of 3 enterprises and 3 research entities, aims to introduce a disruptive technological solution that will achieve to implement cooperative ITS applications, deploying Internet of Things (IoT) and Infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) technologies, without requiring costly interventions in the infrastructure and contributing to the increase of road safety and predictive maintenance of the infrastructure.
The integrated technological solution will address all types of vehicles (passenger, heavy vehicles, PTW etc.) and will require zero to minimum vehicle equipment. The proposed solution is based on low-cost, sensorial networks, embedded in strips markers on the road, that collect information that are being presented in real time to the mobile terminals of the drivers in terms of smart mobile applications that provide the respective notifications / information / warnings and recommendations to the drivers as well as to the operators of the Traffic Management Centres (TMC), promoting road safety, traffic efficiency and in-time detection of road infrastructure critical deficiencies (i.e. need for further maintenance).

Objectives: The applications that will be developed and evaluated in ODOS 2020 are as follows:

  • Road safety application for driver support.
  • Road wear monitoring and predictive maintenance for TMC.
  • Personalized Variable message Signs (VMS) for driver support.
  • Virtual Toll Collection.

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH / HIT is the technical and financial coordinator of the project “ODOS 2020”. CERTH / HIT is coordinating all the involved partners towards the architectural design, development, deployment, pilot testing and assessment of the new, advanced and innovative technologies, systems and applications. CERTH / HIT, as coordinator of the project, is also responsible for the elaboration and editing of the deliverables where all the respective scientific research results and findings are included and also for their submission to the respective secretariat (public body).

Contact person:
Maria Gkemou

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+30 211 1069 553

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