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Acronym: EQUAL
Project Title: Instrumentation development for an autonomous supermarket cart for people with disabilities
36 months (15/06/2017-15/06/2020)

Description: Accessibility is a human right and it literary means the capability of accessing living or working spaces. Accessibility is basic prerequisite for equal participation and active role in the society. For a person with physical disabilities, the day to day shopping in a super market or a shopping mall, apart of being necessary for independent living it is also an opportunity for participation in the social life and consequently in the improvement of hers or his quality of life. From the moment a person with handicap enters the super market or shopping mall the accessibility chain is broken especially in two points. Firstly, the maneuverability of the available shopping carts becomes more difficult while shopping because of the additional goods that are put inside. Secondly the users of wheelchairs cannot reach products at the top shelves. Following national and European guidelines, object of the project is the realization of an end to end solution for the development of new and pioneering services and the support of people with physical disabilities in the super markets.

Objectives: During project EQUAL an innovative system will be build that will allow people with physical disabilities to move and shop inside a super market like people without disabilities. The main innovation of the project will be a motorized shopping cart that will ease the mobility and collection of products from the shelves for people with disabilities.

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH-HIT is participating and supporting all work packages for the complete duration of the project. More specifically CERTH-HIT will develop a shopping app, navigation and localization algorithms for indoor spaces. and an obstacle avoidance system especially focusing on other humans at the shop.

Contact person:
Maria Panou
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