To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project Title: RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment
36 months (01/05/2015 – 30/04/2018)

Description: RESOLUTE aims to conduct a systematic review and assessment of the state of the art of the resilience assessment and management concepts, as a basis for the deployment of an European Resilience Management Guide (ERMG), taking into account that resilience is not about the performance of individual system elements but rather the emerging behaviour associated to intra and inter system interactions. The final goal of RESOLUTE is to adapt and adopt the identified concepts and methods from the defined guidelines for their operationalization and evaluation when addressing Critical Infrastructure (CI) of the Urban Transport System (UTS), through the implementation of the RESOLUTE Collaborative Resilience Assessment and Management Support System (CRAMSS), that adopts a highly synergic approach towards the definition of a resilience model for the next-generation of collaborative emergency services and decision making process.


  1. Conducting a systematic review and assessment of the state of the art of the Resilience assessment and Management concepts, national guidelines and their implementation strategies in order to develop a conceptual framework for resilience within Urban Transport Systems;
  2. Development of European Resilience Management Guidelines (ERMG);
  3. Operationalize and validate the ERMG by implementing the RESOLUTE Collaborative Resilience Assessment and Management Support System (CRAMSS) for Urban Transport System (UTS) addressing Roads and Rails Infrastructures;
  4. Enhancing resilience through improved support to human decision-making processes, particularly through increased focus on the training of final users (first responders, civil protections, infrastructure managers) and population on ERMG and RESOLUTE system;
  5. ERMG wide dissemination, acceptance and adoption at EU and Associated Countries level

HIT key role and responsibilities: Quality Manager
Leader of the ERMG development

Contact person:
Evangelia Gaitanidou

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