Acronym: SMILE
Project Title: SMart IsLand Energy systems
Duration: 48 months (01/05/2017 – 30/04/2021)
Description: SMILE project aims to demonstrate different innovative technological and non-technological solutions in large-scale smart grid demonstration projects in the Orkneys, Samsø and Madeira islands, in view of Europe’s electricity sector transformations, which vary from: integration of battery technology, power to heat, power to fuel, pumped hydro, electric vehicles, electricity stored on board of boats, an aggregator approach to demand side management (DSM) and predictive algorithms.
The pilots will demonstrate operation of the distribution grid under stable and secure conditions to implement solutions for demand response, intelligent control and automation of distribution networks; they have high shares of RES in the electricity grid or have planned increasing shares in the next years. All of them will demonstrate stable grid operation with use of storage solutions and smart integration of grid users from transport.
Objectives: CERTH/HIT’s role was the replication potential of RES with storage solutions (batteries and Power to Heat/Fuel), e.g. for larger scale districts, following a Multi-Actor Multi-criteria Analysis (MAMCA) in order to:
- identify the priorities for the exploitation and market penetration of the project identified products,
- perform Cost Efficiency and Cost Benefit Analyses for them, as well as
- identify and suggest attractive for the citizens financing schemes with their aim being incentivizing their active participation in DR schemes.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is Partner of the project.
Contact person:
Aristotelis Spiliotis
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