To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project Title: RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs
Duration: 42 months (01/05/2019 – 31/10/2022)

Description: The project aims to demonstrate highly replicable design and management approaches for integrated local energy systems, that achieve high participation of local consumers (15-20%), exceed at local level EU targets for renewable energy sources (37-80%) while decreasing the energy price for community members (5-10% below current market prices). In total, over 1.000 households and 50 companies will be connected in a system that totals 30752MW capacity.

Objectives: To deliver a proven community-driven approach which is scalable and replicable globally, RENAISSANCE will:

  • Bring to the market a set of tools for clean integrated systems in any local environment.
  • Allow dynamic mapping of energy vectors and associated financial values.
  • Identify new business models to activate a critical mass of local stakeholders.

These will be incorporated by the following features:

Interoperability - A platform based on a secure, interoperable and scalable blockchain architecture will be developed to interconnect demonstrators

Scalability - New business models will be identified to support the design of customised smart contracts, then validated for scalability in the four different European pilot sites

Replicability - Virtual demonstrators in Eastern Europe, India, China, United Kingdom, USA will demonstrate the replicability of solutions in any type of local energy system

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/HIT is involved in WP4 of RENAISSANCE project, delivering the end-user application and in the same context is also involved in the decision-making supporting tool for the development of the smart-contracts envisioned in the respective business case benchmarking. In addition, HIT will deliver the user interface (UI) that will comprise the RENERGiSE tool and will be developed in WP2, allowing site owners to design a viable energy system and being linked to the multi vector software.

Contact person:
Aristotelis Spiliotis
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+30 211 1059581
Dr. Maria Gkemou
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+30 211 1069 553


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