To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: Drive2theFuture
Project Title: Needs, wants and behaviour of “Drivers” and automated vehicle users today and into the future
Duration: 36 months (01/05/2019 – 30/04/2022)

Description: Drive2theFuture’s mission is to prepare “drivers”, travellers and vehicle operators of the future to accept and use connected cooperative and automated transport modes and the industry of these technologies to understand and meet their needs and wants. It develops training, HMI concepts, incentives policies and other cost efficient measures to promote and then to comparatively assess several alternative connected, shared and automated transport Use Cases for all transport modes and with all types of users (drivers, pilots, VRUs, fleet operators and other key stakeholders), in order to understand, simulate, regulate and optimize their sustainable market introduction; including societal awareness creation, acceptance enhancement and training on use. To achieve this, it models the behaviour of different automated vehicle “drivers” and prognoses acceptance for several automated driving scenarios, develops specialized training tools (3D automated scenarios for VR-goggles, web applications and social media platforms), content, optimized HMI for “driver”-vehicle handovers, CEA and MCA studies for selection of most favorable automated functions realisation and then demonstrates them in 12 Pilots across Europe, and in 3 major events. Pilots cover all automated transportation modes (automated car, PTW, truck, bus, minibus, rail, workboat and drones) and involve driving/ riding/rail simulators, VR/AR simulation toolkits, test tracks and real world environments, in which over 1000 AV drivers/ passengers, 200 AV operators and 20000 involved citizens experience automation from few hours to 6 months. KPI’s, such as user acceptance, user awareness/appreciation of actual automated function performance (gap between expectations and reality), automated operation efficiency and cost effectiveness, are defined and will be followed through subjective and objective (conflicts analysis) tools.

Objectives: Drive2theFuture main objectives are to:

  • Identify and cluster the categories of “drivers”, travellers and stakeholders involved in or affected by autonomous vehicles, recognise their needs and wants and define relevant use cases, taking into account issues of transferability of solutions between different transport modes.
  • Model the behaviour of the automated.
  • Vehicle “driver”/pilot and forecast development of acceptance for different scenarios of introducing automation.
  • Define the optimal HMI for the different clusters of users, transport modes and levels of automation to set the ground for raising acceptance by defining data privacy and applying a user-oriented migration path for the introduction of automation in the European transportation systems.
  • Identify the training needs of all user categories and define relevant training tools and material, along with training and certification schemes.
  • Perform Demonstration Pilots using appropriate tools and different testbeds, i.e. Virtual/Augmented Reality simulations, moving-base driving simulators, test-tracks and real-life environments for all modes, to assess the impact of the proposed tools and concepts to user and stakeholder acceptance.
  • Assess the impact of proposed solutions on safety, driver/traveller behaviour, workforce employability and raising acceptance (from the “drivers”, the operators/stakeholders’ and the general public’s point of view).
  • Investigate legal and ethical issues through a comparative assessment of vehicle vs. human decisions in different scenarios.
  • Investigate the application and future prospects of the correlation between automation and MaaS, for both passenger and freight transport.
  • Create business models suitable for market uptake of connected, shared and automated transport.
  • Issue guidelines, policy recommendations and a roadmap on a user acceptance creation path for automated transport deployment in Europe.

HIT key role and responsibilities: In Drive2theFuture, CERTH/HIT has assumed the following responsibilities:

  • Overall and Administrative Coordinator
  • Technical and Innovation Manager
  • Quality and Ethics Manager
  • Leading the work on the user and stakeholder clustering, identifying their needs and wants and defining use cases
  • Leading the work on HMI adaptability and personalization for autonomous vehicles
  • Leading the work on the definition of an automation user acceptance path roadmap
  • Contributing in the work on behavioural modeling of autonomous vehicle “drivers”

Contact person:
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 2310 498 453 & +30 211 1069 599
Evangelia Gaitanidou
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+30 2310 498 452


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