To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: AVENUE
Project Title: Autonomous Vehicles to Envolve in New Urban Experience
Duration: 48 months (01/05/2018 - 01/05/2022)

Description: AVENUE aims to design and carry out full scale demonstrations of urban transport automation by deploying, for the first time worldwide, fleets of autonomous mini-buses in areas of 4 European demonstrator cities: Geneva, Lyon, Copenhagen and Luxembourg, and 3 replicator cities. AVENUE revisits the offered public transportation services taking into account their special needs and time constrains, instead of trying to accommodate autonomous vehicles to the existing pre-scheduled bus itineraries. In this context, AVENUE introduces disruptive public transportation paradigms led by SMEs on the basis of door2door services and the nascent concept of the ‘Mobility Cloud’ aiming in setting up a new model of public transportation. This model enables safe, efficient, on demand and emission free personalized public transportation, available anytime and anywhere, blending conventional public transport with novel service models such these of the sharing economy. The project partners will apply cutting edge technologies and I2V, V2I & V2V communications that will allow a twofold increase of the average vehicle speed and a tenfold increase in the range served by autonomous vehicles. A set of corresponding in- and out - of vehicle services that substantially enhance road safety, the overall quality of the service and the value added to the passenger will be introduced, targeting also elderly people, people with disabilities and vulnerable users. AVENUE draws and builds upon the experience from its consortium of 16 partners from 7 European countries, and the operation of Navya’s 65 mini-buses in 22 cities from 13 countries that have already demonstrated reliable and safe operation at pilot sites by transporting over 180,000 passengers.

Objectives: The main objectives and innovations of the project are:

  • Deployment and validation of autonomous vehicles integrated in the public transport services of different European cities.
  • Validation of the safety in the usage of autonomous vehicles in complex urban situations.
  • Development and testing of new innovative and disruptive urban public transport services for autonomous vehicles, that will increase user acceptance.
  • Evaluation of the socio-economic impact and benefits of the deployment of autonomous vehicles for public urban transport.
  • Production of recommendations for public transport operators and authorities regarding the development and integration of autonomous vehicles in the urban and sub-urban transport environments.
  • Promoting the advantages of autonomous vehicles in public transport from the part of operators and public transport authorities to the public.

HIT key role and responsibilities: ΗΙΤ has undertaken in the framework of the project:

  • The intellectual property and data management issues.
  • The passenger needs and requirements specification (including elderly, disabled).
  • The development of a I2V (Infrastructure-to-Vehicle) communication system, between infrastructure and driver/vehicle for road safety issues (providing information about road conditions such as deformation, humidity, etc.).

Contact person:
Dr. Maria Panou
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+30 211 1069 550


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