Project Title: Study on the social dimension of the transition to automation and digitalisation in transport, focusing on the labour force
Duration: 24 months (28/10/2019 - 30/04/2021)
Description: Digitalisation and automation in the transport sector are expected to not only fundamentally affect the way transport services are provided, but also to have a significant impact on employment and working conditions. The European Commission in its Communication “On the road to automated mobility: An EU strategy for mobility of the future” identified, between other, the following actions: (i) to support the acquisition of new skills, retain and reskill the workforce in the sector through the new skills agenda for Europe and evaluate the options for facilitating the transition to automation in the road sector; (ii) to support Member States in their effort to provide smooth labour market transitions for the affected workers through quality employment and social services, access to training, and social protection in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights.
This Study focuses on developing a detailed set of policy recommendations and measures to accompany the transition to automation and digitalisation for the labour force in the transport sector, looking at the situation form the European perspective and considering all modes of transport. By widely disseminating specific recommendations for each type of stakeholder and a selection of real-life best cases and the results they yield, stakeholders should be better informed and eventually be better positioned to take action on overcoming the challenges ahead.
Objectives: To deliver the above-mentioned objective, the following specific results are foreseen:
- Identification of the challenges for employment as a result of digitisation and automation of transport, specifying commonalities and difference between modes.
- A typology of measures aiming to address the identified challenges and a detailed mapping of existing policy recommendations and measures including both applied and suggested measures.
- An analysis of the level of awareness and preparedness of transport stakeholders vis-à-vis the emerging challenges and their response.
- An assessment of the stakeholders’ need for guidance and accompanying measures and the level at which action should be taken, based on their expressed interest but also on the assessment of their preparedness.
- A complete overview of the possible range of measures addressing the challenges for the different transport modes and companies of different size (large and SME), including an assessment of where and how these measures present an opportunity on improving gender equality performance of the sector and boosting the greening of transport jobs.
HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/HIT participates in the implementation of this study together with ECORYS, mainly being responsible for the mapping of existing policy recommendations and measures, also heavily contributing though to all actions of the study, including the development of policy recommendations and measures to accompany the transition to automation and digitalisation for the labour force in transport.
Contact person:
Matina Loukea
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+ 30 211 10 69 556