To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Project Title: Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport System - Lot 2 – International Assessment and Action Plans
10 months (22/03/2016 – 21/12/2016)

Description: Lot 2 focuses on 5 specific areas, examining practices applied to six selected international countries covering highly industrialized and newly industrializing countries, namely USA, Japan, S. Korea, China, India and Brazil. Lot 2 assesses whether a transfer of these best practices to Europe is beneficial for the advancement towards an integrated European transport system and will further develop action plans and derive recommendations addressing the strengthening of the EU competitiveness, market access issues, the contribution to dealing with global challenges and the identification of global players and programmes for enabling collaboration, cooperation and joint initiatives. Analyses were conducted along the following focus areas as specified in the tender:

  • Connected driving and automation of transport, use of automated optimization of traffic flows;
  • Transformation of infrastructure to address connectivity, resilience, new fuels and energy efficiency;
  • Smart mobility services (including provision and use of data, and urban mobility), freight and logistics;
  • Standardization and interoperability;
  • Alternative fuels other than electrification.

The main outcome is an analysis of the state of play of the transport system in each focus area regarding its advancing towards an integrated transport system in the respective country. Through this analysis, information about the structure of the transport system, related industries, markets as well as the regulatory framework and the financing system of funding programmes can be found. Comprehensive information is also provided on the relevant regulatory and policy framework conditions and the structures of transport-related industries and value chains, the state of the art of R&D and technologies, methods for financing, innovation in transport and related business models especially in regard of an integrated transport system. In addition, a SWOT analyses has been implemented, supporting the assessment and helping to estimate the relevance of findings, as well as one Porter’s 5-Forces analysis was established to show different market dynamics in various industries in the countries under examination. Following this approach, it was possible to identify best practices and lessons learned in all Focus Areas and countries analysed, that have been depicted in a world map to give an overview of international findings. To be able to derive action plans out of these best practices, they were also analysed in terms of their feasibility for Europe. Where this analysis returned positive results, actions plans were developed to be realised between 2020 and 2050. As a last step, recommendations for international cooperations are provided, based on study outcomes and especially from results derived from the Expert and Stakeholder Workshops.

Objectives: The objective of this study is to identify best practices and lessons learned in integrated and sustainable transport around the world, compare with barriers identified in Europe, and derive action plan for takeup and collaboration. The Lot 2 part of the study is complementary to Lot 1 part of the study (also called SINTRAS, led by JIIP), which provides an assessment of ways and possibilities to overcome European barriers.

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/HIT role: CERTH/HIT has been a subcontractor to the implementation of this study, to the main contractor for the lot 2 part that is VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Germany). More specifically, CERTH/ HIT has undertaken the examination regarding the best practices and lessons learnt for 2 of the 6 countries under investigation, namely, USA and China. In a later stage and after the completion of the state of the art, CERTH/ HIT has undertaken the analysis and the development of action plans about 2 of the Focus Areas, namely Infrastructure and Alternative Fuels.

Contact person:
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris

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+30 2310 498 261/+30 211 10 69 599

Matina Loukea
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+30 211 10 69 556


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