To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: 2DECIDE
Project Title: Toolkit for sustainable decision making in ITS deployment (2-DECIDE)
Duration: 26 months (01/10/2009— 31/11/2011)

Description: 2DECIDE addresses one of the most important ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems and Services) deployment related challenges on European level: Support and speed up consistent decision making related to ITS deployment for road and public transport (timely, cost-effective, interoperable, positive impact to urban and interurban mobility, positive cost/ benefit ration). A number of EU-documents have addressed the fact that slow and uncoordinated decision making for ITS deployment on urban, regional and national level is the most urgent problem to be solved in order to utilise the benefits ITS deployment can gain for a sustainable European transportation system.

Objectives: Key ambition of 2DECIDE is to support both EU ITS policy goals as well as national ITS deployments strategies to gain the utmost benefit of ITS deployment and the related investments for a sustainable road and public transportation system.

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is Partner in the project.

Contact person:
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 2310 498 261/+30 211 10 69 599


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