Acronym: 2-BE-SAFE
Duration: 36 months (01/01/2009— 31/12/2011)
Description: Up to 2008, the research relating to Powered-Two-Wheelers (PtWs) safety focussed mainly on sociological aspects, training, accidentology and primary safety systems design. Based on the fact that it is crucial to base countermeasures on scientific evidences relating on riders' behaviours and practices, the purpose of 2-BE-SAFE was to contribute to filling the knowledge gap on PTW riders' behaviour.
2-BE-SAFE has applied a large variety of scientific research methodologies. Some of these methods have been applied for first time; some of them were not applied on the field of PTW safety before. Last, some methodologies also received significant improvement within the project. All the experience and knowledge acquired within the research activities conducted have been analysed and then summarized into a set of guidelines and policy recommendations.
Objectives: The 2-BE-SAFE project, started on January, 1st 2009, is a focused 36 months research collaborative project, with the following objectives:
- To identify the factors that contribute to PTW crashes across Europe focussing on road infrastructure and weather conditions. 20 prevailing scenarios in 5 European countries that account for most fatal PTW accidents, and the causal factors contributing to crashes have been identified.
- Innovative tools have been designed: 6 instrumented PTWs, an instrumented car, 2 riding simulators, a driving simulator, and a video-based tool for investigating motorcyclists’ risk awareness.
- A pilot naturalistic riding study was conducted, using the instrumented motorcycles from partners. This naturalistic riding study was a première at pan-European level. The studies successfully tested the proposed naturalistic riding methodology, and developed new knowledge and recommendations for future larger studies. Different approaches to perform automatic event detection of safety critical events were developed, applied and evaluated.
- A study was implemented, focusing on PTW riders’ hazard perception and acceptance of risk, and how these characteristics influence their acceptance of new technologies designed to enhance their safety.
- A better understanding of rider’s behaviours and of critical factors influencing PTW safety was achieved. Several experiments focussed on PTWs conspicuity. Results indicated, for instance, that varying riders’ clothing (bright clothes, reflective warning vests, and dark clothes) can enhance riders’ conspicuity in certain situations but the effects are strongly mediated by the background conditions (e.g. lighting conditions) and by the characteristics of the driving situation (e.g. urban vs. rural traffic environment).
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is Partner in the project.
Contact person:
Dr. Evangelos Bekiaris
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+30 2310 498 261/+30 211 10 69 599