To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

Acronym: CARTRE
Project Title: Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe
Duration: 24 months (01/10/2016 – 30/09/2018)

Description: CARTRE aimed at accelerating development and deployment of automated road transport by increasing market and policy certainties. This was achieved through the development of clearer and more consistent policies of EU Member States in collaboration with industry players, ensuring that ART systems and services are compatible on an EU level and are deployed in a coherent way across Europe. With more than 80 consortium and associated partner organisations involved, CARTRE aim was to consolidate the industry and policy fragmentation surrounding the development of Automated Road Transport (ART) through:

  • Bringing together key stakeholders from different sectors at national, international and European levels so as to build common views on needs and challenges for deployment of ART;
  • Fostering experience and knowledge sharing from past and ongoing R&I activities at national, European and international levels;
  • Supporting the expert community working on ART projects, pilots and FOTs, with testing methodologies and procedures information.

The underlying achievement that enabled CARTRE to carry this out was the Joint Stakeholder Network that CARTRE has built up to harmonise ART approaches at European and international level, involving representatives of public, industry, research and user sectors.

Objectives: CARTRE main objectives were to:

  • establish European leadership through public-private collaboration for development and deployment and deployment of ART;
  • support international cooperation activities in the area of road automation at global level, in particular with the US and Japan;
  • support strategic alignment of national action plans for automated driving;
  • ensure that stakeholders are well informed of past, current and future ART activities through a comprehensive knowledge base on project results;
  • actively support ART pilots and test beds;
  • report on progress of ART projects on enablers and thematic areas;
  • facilitate exchange of data, experience and knowledge for comparing and deploying results from pilots;
  • foster a common evaluation framework across ART projects;
  • describe possible deployment alternatives and evaluate their impacts;
  • reach out to stakeholders, decision makers and wider public;
  • establish annual international conferences, and workshops in Europe.


HIT key role and responsibilities: Within CARTRE, CERTH/HIT participated as an “Associated Partner”. Within this context, CERTH/HIT’s role was to:

  • Active contribution to the formulation of a common evaluation framework of ART projects.
  • Support the deployment activities and roadmaps development on the ART defined areas of research and innovation.
  • Contribute to the impact assessment estimation and in specific the safety impact assessment of ART systems and services.
  • Paritcipate and support the key project events and conferences related to the diffusion of knowledge of ART deployment in Europe.

Contact person:
Stella Nikolaou
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+30 2111 069558


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