Project Title: Mediterranean Collaborative Logistics for the Urban Space
Duration: 33 months (01/01/2024 – 30/09/2026)
Total project budget: 2.667.400 € (80% Interreg funds, 20% partner contribution)
Description: MED COLOURS is an EU Project co-funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme ( Launched in January 2024, MED COLOURS aims to push MED cities towards a new generation of logistics and urban planning to enable the transition to decarbonised and smart cities. By developing new Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs), MED Cities will plan resilient, sustainable, integrated, and collaborative innovation-driven solutions for the Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). This would help reducing the negative impacts of freight and logistics activities.
The MED COLOURS consortium consists of a total of 11 partners from 7 different European regions: Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia and France. The project is coordinated by ITL, the Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation based in Bologna, Italy.
Objectives: MED COLOURS’ joint territorial ambition is to enable urban freight distribution in MED-FUAs from a low carbon environmental perspective and, at the same time, give cities a boost in sustainable development and human well-being. MED COLOURS supports the digital and environmental transition in six cities and their related FUAs in the MED area: Livorno, Cesena, Thessaloniki, Koper, Lisbon, and Lyon by developing 6 new SULPs and 5 Pilot Actions.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT role and responsibilities as project partner are the following:
- Lead the Activity for providing guidance on resilient SULPs by defining joint methodologies and tools and integrating the topic guide Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning of the EU Guidelines for SUMPs.
- Lead the Activity for monitoring of MED COLOURS impacts using the CIVITAS Evaluation Framework and assessing a range of technical, social, economic, and environmental impacts of implemented solutions in demo sites.
- Participate in the communication and dissemination activities of the project.
Project website:
Contact person:
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou
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+30 2310 498451
Orestis Tsolakis
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+30 2311 257621