Acronym: -
Project Title: Development of a Best Practice Road Safety Guide for Public Transport Operators’ staff
Duration: 5 months (20/7/2023 – 20/12/2023)
Description: Safe driving is a key factor for the smooth operation of buses and the increase in road safety for both bus passengers and other road users (private car drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, etc.). The role of bus drivers is of primary importance, and their proper preparation, training, and behavior during work can enhance road safety and reduce bus-related accidents.
In this context and in order to improve road safety, Organisation of Urban Transportation of Thessaloniki (OASTH) collaborated with CERTH/ HIT in order to create a best practice guide on road safety for the staff of the Organisation.
Objectives: The aim of the best practice guide is to: • Compile all existing documents with guidelines for OASTH’s staff, ensuring compliance to maximize safety for all involved during transportation.
• Enrich these guidelines by studying international best practices.
• Define procedures, actions, and responsibilities for the recognized categories of OASTH’s staff, with an emphasis on bus drivers.
Contact Persons:
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou
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+30 2310 498457
Afroditi Stamelou
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+30 2310 498265
Vassilis Mizaras
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+30 2310 498442