To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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Project Title: Climate City Contract for the city of Thessaloniki for the Mission of 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Description: A significant step towards achieving climate neutrality is the EU's Mission "100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030." In 2022, following an evaluation process of submitted proposals, 100 cities were selected including Thessaloniki, Athens, Trikala, Kalamata, Ioannina and Kozani from Greece and Limassol from Cyprus.
In 2023, the Municipality of Thessaloniki with the technical coordination of CERTH/ HIT, submitted the Climate City Contract, accompanied by the Action Plan and the Investment Plan, aiming to obtain the EU Mission Label. The Climate City Contract was signed by 22 key stakeholders from the city and the central government. In May 2024, Thessaloniki along with 22 other cities was awarded the EU Mission Label initiating the process to implement the Action Plan.
The Action Plan encompasses actions in six priority areas: Transport & Logistics, Buildings & Heating, Electricity, Smart City & Governance, Land Use & Environment, and Waste. The goal of these actions is to achieve an overall reduction of GHG emissions by 80% by 2030.

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT was the technical coordinator of CERTH team in drafting the Climate City Contract (Action Plan and Business Plan) and played a significant role in developing the Transport and Logistics Pillar, among other contributions.

Contact Persons:
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou
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+30 2310 498457

Afroditi Stamelou
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+30 2310 498265

Vassilis Mizaras
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+30 2310 498442

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