To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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Acronym: e-smartec
Project Title: enhanced sustainable mobility with marketing techniques
36 months (01/08/2019-31/07/2022)

Description & Objectives: “e-smartec” project is designed to strengthen the urban dimension of regional and local mobility policymaking, contributing to the implementation of the EU Transport White Paper, Urban Agenda and EU 2020 with a view to transit to a low carbon economy. Many European urban areas face a series of environmental challenges linked to mobility – congestion linked to air pollution. Based on the experience, sustainable urban mobility planning cannot be achieved without the commitment of key stakeholders and travellers and given this need, e-smartec proposes accompanying each step of mobility planning with the deployment of targeted marketing techniques for linking bottom-up and top-down decision making. Users’ engagement in mobility planning is often a big challenge for authorities since it requires deep knowledge of marketing and sociological aspects – overcoming this threat (of developing plans that are not acceptable by the public, thus ineffective) is the central axis of the experience exchange among authorities and experts in e-smartec project. e-smartec aims in developing action plans to start and implement effective (acceptable from both stakeholders and travellers/citizens-tourists) mobility interventions. This is the basis for a competitive, resource efficient and low carbon oriented European transport system. The 9 e-smartec partners, from 7 EU countries representing the 6 e-smartec test-bed areas, join their forces in an ultimate goal to provide tailored guidelines on citizens’ and stakeholders engagement marketing techniques; innovative for decision-making traditional procedures although widely and effectively used in the business sector - Crowdsourcing, social media, personalized communication for awareness raising&behavior influence, “Word of Mouth communication”, “Wheel of Persuasion”&“Sustainable Market Segmentation”. Among project’s tangible outcomes are handbooks on engagement supplementing the different steps of plans and strategies development.

The official project website is: https://www.interregeurope.eu/e-smartec/

HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is the coordinator of the project.

Contact person:
Maria Morfoulaki
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+30 2310 498 454

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