Project Title: Promotion of Port Communities SMEs role in Energy Efficiency and GREEN technologies for BERTHing operations
Duration:28 months (02/02/2013 30/06/2015)
Description: The GREENBERTH project aims to encourage the integration of SMEs in the strategic development plans of port operators by studying in detail the improvement opportunities of energy efficiency and the use of environmentally friendly technologies to be implemented through the exchange of best practices of six reference Mediterranean ports. Port authorities have a great influence over the companies which compose the so called Port Communities and these entities need to continuously improve their processes and technologies to adapt their business models to the realities of the internal and external market. For this reason, GREENBERTH proposes the participation of several agents in order to define strategic plans among port-logistics operators and energy-efficient SMEs.
Objectives: The main lines of these actions can be summarized to the following:
- Port authorities as main port managers will coordinate the development towards the improvement of port energy efficiency and the possibility of implementing clean energies, thus evaluating the available technical solutions and the needs of the Port Communities
- Port authorities will promote the development of SMEs as experts in energy port aspects which will provide solutions to the big port-logistics operators companies, assessing them about the technical and financial feasibility of these solutions.
- Port authorities will channel the common participation of SMEs and big-logistic operators, transferring knowledge and capacities on the management, control and maintenance of the proposed energy efficiency solutions. The aim of this is to generate market niches for the SMEs at Port Communities.
- Port authorities and the technological partners will provide support in technical issues and will facilitate the integration of the SMEs within the development plans of big-logistics operators during the project through different communication actions.
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HIT key role and responsibilities: Partner
Contact person:
Maria Boile
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Τηλ. +30.211.1069591