Acronym: FUTRE
Project Title: FUture Prospects On TRansport Evolution And Innovation Challenges For The Competitiveness Of Europe
Duration: 24 months (01/10/2012 - 30/09/2014)
Description & Objectives: FUTRE’s objective is to examine the future challenges for the European transport sector and the incentives that will have a considerable impact on the global demand and supply patterns in the passenger and the freight transport. Within this framework, the project will develop future scenarios of supply and demand for the European transport sector, in order to investigate the consequences of the changes in the transport sector in relation to the European competitiveness and the transport industry. It aims at bridging the gap between the manifold studies on the future of the European transport system and the issue of competitiveness and finally to propose the suitable “packages” of policy measures for research and innovation in transport.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is the coordinator of the project.
Contact person:
Maria Boile
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+30 211 1069 591