Project Title: : Laboratory of Excellence for monitoring the environmental impact of transport and the promotion of electromobility in island areas
Duration: 30 months (01/12/2020 – 31/05/2023)
Description: Environmental disturbance in the urban environment constitutes a major issue with serious implications for the health of citizens. Exposure to air pollution, particularly within the micro-environment of roads, is associated with cardiopulmonary diseases, increased risk of carcinogenicity and neuro-related disorders. In addition, increased noise level (from road traffic and other sources) constitutes an important parameter which, apart from the disturbance and the mental burden, is associated with the induction of cardiovascular diseases. The afore mentioned phenomena may be more intense within large urban centers when occurring on a continuous basis, but also in the island regions where the environmental burden is caused by the arrival of large volumes of tourists in a short period of time.
The ELEKTRON Lab consists of its physical location and premises within the area of the South Aegean Region headquarters in the island of Rhodes, Greece. It is equipped with a local server for storing the large time series of data that are expected to be collected, analyzed, compiled and stored.
At the level of measuring units, three new portable / mobile units will be established in order to elaborate the measurement of environmental and meteorological parameters as well as noise for indoor and outdoor places. In addition, there will be three new fully electric vehicles for conducting demo pilot tests involving public and local operators. The laboratory will also be equipped with a small solar power plant (3KW), to be placed on the top floor of the Lab building and with two electric vehicle chargers of two charging outlets of 25KW each.
In addition to the physical tools that the laboratory will acquire, it will be supplied with special software for modeling of the island's energy system. HLEKTRON project will not only be able to provide equipment and software for research activities, but it plans to produce its own tools, which will make available for use to local operators. These concern a. an info library on optimal electromobility and energy saving solutions and b. a digital tool for the initial design of scenarios for improving the current situation and the estimation and planning of new energy needs through the application of electrification.
Objectives: The main objective of the ELEKTRON project is the establishment of a Lab of Excellence, which, with the use of the tools to be developed, will be able to implement smart solutions to alleviate the environmental impact, mainly from transport, on island regions. It will also study, elaborate, develop and propose smart solutions for energy savings both through the application of modern technologies in transport and through the production of renewable energy, with a focus on solar energy.
The project seeks to implement some of the methods for creating "Smart Cities" in island regions, so as to develop and create "Smart Islands". It also aims to the expansion of renewable energy sources use with a view to meet the future power supply needs in the transportation sector.
HIT key role and responsibilities: HIT is the coordinator of the project.
Contact person:
Dr. Dimitri Margaritis
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+30 2310 498 467