To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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Acronym: TAAS
Project Title: Tourism as a Service; a 360 degrees tourism experience
Duration: 48 months (01 April 2024 - 31 March 2028)

Description: Embarking on the journey to shape a Smarter Europe, the Tourism as a Service (TAAS) project unites eight vibrant destinations - South Aegean (GR), Tampere (FI), Aspres (FR), Ljubljana (SL), Fano (IT), Donegal (IE), Stockholm (SE), Zuid – Limburg (NE) and Ungheni (MD) - with a shared vision of accelerating tourism digitalization. With a primary focus on transforming the tourism landscape, TAAS aims to enhance policy instruments supporting smart and sustainable development. In the heart of TAAS lies an exchange of experiences, aiming to uncover innovative digital tools and channels across the entire journey, from conception to empowerment. Through its holistic "TAAS cycle" approach, spanning phases of trip imagination, planning, experience, and influence, the project harnesses digital technologies to boost economic prosperity and environmental sustainability;

  • Phase A; Imagining the trip (digital tools supporting area selection, e-channels able to generate interest and create digital tourist concept)
  • Phase B; Planning the trip (tools for booking, organizing, and managing services)
  • Phase C; During the trip (integrated smart city passes, micromobility apps, single info e-gates, personalized e-agents)
  • Phase D; Empowering to influence (social media trip experience sharing can act as ambassador for the areas).

HIT key role and responsibilities: CERTH/HIT is the horizontal mentor and advisory lead partner of TAAS. It guides the 9 TAAS areas on how to improve their tourism policy instruments based on digital/smart solutions adoption.



Υπεύθυνοι επικοινωνίας:
Dr. Maria Morfoulaki
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+30 2310 498454
Glykeria Myrovali
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+30 2310 498462


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