To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.

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Acronym: Thessaloniki_Tourism_Blockchain
Project Title: Digital Thessaloniki 2030: Promotion of the digital profile of Metropolitan area of Thessaloniki through blockchain and digital tourist card
Duration: 18 months (01/01/2022 – 30/9/2023)

Description: According to the literature, the development of new technologies and the era of the 'Internet of Things' have affected almost all sectors of economy without leaving aside the tourism sector. Being tourism one of the most dynamic and competitive industries worldwide, the exploitation of innovative and bold tech-based solutions seems like the next necessary step. The current project, ‘#Thessaloniki_Tourism_Blockchain - Digital Thessaloniki 2030: Promotion of the digital profile of Metropolitan Thessaloniki through blockchain and digital tourist card’, goes towards this direction aiming to help Thessaloniki ‘walk’ steadily this new path. Utilizing the advantages of new technologies and of Peer-to-Peer Networking, proposes the creation of ‘Digital Thessaloniki’ that satisfies both the digital and the physical tourist (single gate for information provision, experiential city tours, virtual tours, access to digital events and material etc). In addition to the digital secured ‘repository’ of the city of Thessaloniki, the creation of digital tourist cards offering access to combined services is expected to further promote sustainable and responsible behaviors among tourists. The development and actual operation of #Thessaloniki_Tourism_Blockchain, both the platform and the smartphone app as well as the operation of the umbrella/handling body of #Thessaloniki_Tourism_Blockchain, are expected to transform the city of Thessaloniki and the Region of Central Macedonia to pioneers in the field of tourism. The project gives substance and added value to the Smart Specialization for the tourism sector while opens the ground for more focused actions in the context of the next programming period. #Thessaloniki_Tourism_Blockchain is a strategic step that gives a competitive advantage not only at the city and Regional level but also at international level as it makes a large Greek city digitally visible to a large audience which can be the first step of encouraging demand for real trips in the area.

Project website: https://thesstourblock.imet.gr/en/

Contact person:
Myrovali Glykeria
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+30 2310 498462


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