Books & Journals
- Amditis, A., Lenztiou, Z., Bekiaris, E., Cabrera, M.F., Bullinger, A.H. (2005), “The overall architecture of the ISLANDS system: Towards a modular non-cpnventional telepsychiatry system”, In. Applied Technologies in Medicine and Neuroscience, Bullinger, A., Wiederhold, B., Meise, U., Mueller-Spahn, F. (eds.), Verlag Integrative Psychiatrie, Innsbruck, p. 141-152.
- Bekiaris, E., Stevens, A. (2005), “Common risk assessment methodology for advanced driver assistance systems”, Transport Reviews, Vol. 25, No. 3, p. 283-292, May 2005.
- Boilé M., Theofanis S., Mikiki F. (2005), “Oil spills in maritime transport: call for actions”, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, “Inland Waterways, Ports and Channels and the Marine Environment”, No1909, Washington D.C., 2005.
- Bullinger , Alex H., Hemmeter, Ullrich M., Stefani, Oliver, Angehrn, Isabelle, Mueller-Spahn, Franz, Bekiaris, E., Wiederhold, Brenda K., Sulzenbacher, Hubert and Mager, Ralph, (2005), “Stimulation of Cortisol During Mental Task Performance in a Provocative Virtual Environment”, In Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. , ISSN: 1090-0586 (Paper) 1573-3270 (Online) , DOI: 10.1007/s10484-005-6378-y, Volume 30, Number 3, p. 205 - 216 ,September 2005.
- Bullinger, A.H., Estoppey, K., Bekiaris, E., Spillmann, M., Sulzbacher, H., Mueller-Spahn, F., Mager, R. (2005), “Untersuchung zur Benutzer-Akzeptanz einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie zur Beurteilung der Fahrtauglichkeit von aeltern Fahrzeuglenkern”, Neuropsychiatrie, Band. 19, Nr. 1/2005, p. 25- 33, 2005.
- Bullinger, A.H., Stefani, O., Sulzenbacher, H., Bekiaris, E., Mueller-Spahn, F., Mager, R. (2005), “Death of the dinosaurs, Next generation immersive visualisation systems”, In. Applied Technologies in Medicine and Neuroscience, Bullinger, A., Wiederhold, B., Meise, U., Mueller-Spahn, F. (eds.), Verlag Integrative Psychiatrie, Innsbruck, p. 31-36.
- Giannopoulos, G.A. (2005), “Implementation of a Data Communication System for the Adriatic - Ionian Sea Area”, Transition Review Studies, No.39, Volumme XII, Springer Wien New York, April 2005.
- Nalmpantis, D., Naniopoulos, A., Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., Gregersen, N.P., Falkmer, T., Baten, G., Dols, J. (2005), “TRAINER” project: pilot applications for the evaluation of new driver training technologies”, In: Traffi c and Transport Psychology, Geoffrey Underwood (ed.), Oxford: Elsevier, 2005, ISBN: 0-08- 044379-6, p.141-156.
- Penzel, T., Becker, H.F., Lekka, I., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “New sensor development for the detection of sleepiness in the work and traffi c environment and sleep laboratories”, In. Applied Technologies in Medicine and Neuroscience, Bullinger, A., Wiederhold, B., Meise, U., Mueller-Spahn, F. (eds.), Verlag Integrative Psychiatrie, Innsbruck, p. 104-110.
- Stefani, O., Blach, R., Hoffmann, H., Sulzenbacher, H., Bekiaris, E., Mueller-Spahn, F., Bullinger, A.H. (2005), “Next generation virtual reality systems: future challenges”, In. Applied Technologies in Medicine and Neuroscience, Bullinger, A., Wiederhold, B., Meise, U., Mueller-Spahn, F. (eds.), Verlag Integrative Psychiatrie, Innsbruck, p. 1-12.
Publications in Conferences
- Aifadopoulou G. (2005), “Facilitating Trade along panEuropean corridors n° X, V and Adriatic Ionion via planning of freight and logistics centres: the IMONODE project recommendations”, European Conference of Ministers of Transport - Joint OECD/ECMT Transport Research Center, May 2005.
- Aifadopoulou G., Mizaras V., Bekiaris E., Manos A., Spanoudakis N. (2005), “Service network enabler of multi-modal transport information & booking services: A Greek case study”, 5th European Congress and Exhibition on ITS, Hannover, June 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, L. (2005), “The use of telematics in enhancing infrastructure safety – the INSAFETY approach”, 1st FERSI Scientifi c Road Safety Research Conference, BASt, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, 7-8 September 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, L., Kalogirou, K. (2005), “IN-SAFETY project: Towards road fatalities reduction through the enhancement of forgiving and self-explanatory roads”, 1st FERSI Scientifi c Road Safety Conference, Cologne, Germany, 9-10 September 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, L., Tsioutras, A. (2005), “Telematic applications targeting on the achievement of a forgiving and self-explanatory road environment - Modeling road safety conditions - The INSAFETY project”, 3rd National Conference on Road Safety, Patras, 10-11 October 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M., Panou, M. (2005), “Towards an integrated in-vehicle HMI for ADAS and its application for lateral collision warnings”, 1st FERSI Scientifi c Road Safety Research Conference, BASt, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, 7-8 September 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M., Zacharis, S. (2005), “IST tools development for the advanced training of the dangerous goods drivers and trainers”, ITS Europe, Hannover Germany, 1-3 July 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Kalogirou, K., Panou, M., Amditis, A. (2005), “The use of Intelligent Agents for provision of driver information in a self-explanatory and personalized way”, HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, 22-27 July 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Peters, B., Anund, A. (2005), “Driver fatigue monitoring, detection & warning: AWAKE project fi nal results”, ITS Europe, Hannover Germany, 1-3 July 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Panou, M. (2005), “The fi tness to driver (based on the research projects AGILE and IDEA)”, 1st FERSI Scientifi c Road Safety Research Conference, BASt, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, 7-8 September 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., Kalogirou, K. (2005), “In-Vehicle confi guration of IM@GINEIT”, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, EAM 2005 (on CD), Athens, 17-19 October 2005, ISBN No: 960-254-657-3.
- Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., Widlroither, H., Bauer, W. (2005), “HCI for collaborative systems and towards a self explanatory environment”, HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, 22-27 July 2005.
- Bekiaris, E., Papakostopoulos, V., Gemou, Μ., Gaitanidou, L. (2005), “Experimental Study on Different HMI Design Options for Lateral Safe Applications”, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, EAM 2005 (on CD), Athens, 17-19 October 2005, ISBN No: 960-254-657-3.
- Boilé M., Theofanis S., Mikiki F. (2005), “Oil spills in maritime transport: call for actions”, 84th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington DC, 2005.
- Gaitanidou, L., Panou, M., Bekiaris, E., Aifadopoulou, G. (2005), “Development of assessment tools and best practices for safe road infrastructure development and management – the RIPCORD-ISEREST EU project”, 3rd National Conference on Road Safety, 10-11 October 2005.
- Hagenmayer, L, Maberger, C., Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S. (2005), “Preliminary guidelines for the personalisation of the HMI of Hypovigilance-Management Systems”, HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, 22-27 July 2005.
- Hagenmayer, L., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “Towards guidelines for the development of HCI elements for drowasy operators in transportation and process control”, HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, 22-27 July 2005.
- Haralampous, G. (2005), “The Contribution of the Sea Motorways to the European Transport Policy”, European Conference of Transport Institutes, Young Researchers Seminar 2005, May 2005.
- Lu, M., Bekiaris, E., Wevers, K. (2005), “Improvement of the forgiving and self-explanatory nature of roads”, 12th World Congress on ITS, San Francisco, 2005.
- Lu, M., Wevers, K., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “Technical feasibility of safety related driving assistance systems”, 18th ICTCT Workshop, Helsinki, 27-28 October 2005.
- Mikiki F., Morfoulaki M. (2005), “Work zone safety: The PREVENT training programme”, 3rd Road Safety Congress, Patras, October 2005.
- Mikiki F., Ricci S., Braghuin S., Bruni S., Vadillo E. (2005), “European Railway Research Network of Excellence (EURNEX) : Meeting the European education and training needs in the railway sector”. 2nd international conference on railway transports development, Athens, December, 2005.
- Nikolaou, S., Gaitanidou, L., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “The need of interactive training tools in ITS use training: Collaborative work within HUMANIST Network of Excellence”, HCI International 2005, 22-27 July 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada. e annual report 2005.
- P. Papaioannou, A. Deloukas, Dr M. Morfoulaki, D. Zissopoulou, Peleka M. (2005), “Thessaloniki Metro: Traffi c and Operation aspects - Socioeconomic Impacts”, Conference for the Development of Rail Transport, Athens, December 2005.
- Panou, M., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “HCI in driver training, from novice to elderly drivers”, HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, 22-27 July 2005.
- Panou, M., Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, L. (2005), “A holistic approach on in-car HMI elements to formulate a strategy for integrated and personalised ADAS/IVIS HMI”, ITS Europe, Hannover Germany, 1-3 July 2005.
- Panou, M., Cacciabue, N., Cacciabue, P. C., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “From Driver Modelling to Human Machine interface Personalisation”, IFAC World Congress, Prague, 4-8 July 2005.
- Penzel, T., Becker, H.F., Lekka, I., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “New sensor development for the detection of sleepiness in the work and traffi c environment and sleep laboratories”, Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Applied Technologies in Medicine and Neuroscience (ATMN), p.103-110, Basel, June 6-10, 2005.
- Polychronopoulos, Α., Gemou, Μ., Danielson, L., Amditis, A., Bekiaris, E. (2005), “Design of a friendly HMI combining multiple sources of warnings for the Lateral Safe applications”, Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, EAM 2005 (on CD), Athens, 17-19 October 2005, ISBN No: 960-254-657-3.
- Tattegrain Veste H., Bellet T., Boverie S., Kutila M., Viitanen J., Bekiaris E., Panou M., Engström, J., Agnvall, A. (2005), “Development of a Driver Situation Assessment Module in the AIDE Project”, IFAC World Congress, Prague, 4-8 July 2005.