To make HIT the main and integrated Research Pole in the fields of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Greece and among the top 10 relevant nodes of technology and expertise in Europe.


  1. Giannopoulos, G.A., Elrahman, O.A., (2010), “Expanding international transport research collaboration working group presents findings”, TR News, Issue 267, pp 43, 45, 48-49, March 2010.
  2. Giannopoulos, G.A., Moschovou, T.P., (2010), “Investigation of Inland Freight Transport Modal Choice in Greece”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2168, pp. 43-52, 2010.
  3. Golias M.M., Boile M., Theofanis S. (2010), “A λ-opt based heuristic for the discrete berth scheduling problem”, Transportation Research Pt. C 18(5), 794-806, 2010.
  4. Golias, M. M., Boile, M., & Theofanis, S. (2010), “Discrete Berth-Scheduling Problem: Toward a Unified Mathematical Formulation”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2168), 1-8, 2010.
  5. Golias, M. M., Boilé, M., Theofanis, S., & Taboada, H. A. (2010), “A Multi-Objective Decision and Analysis Approach for the Berth Scheduling Problem”, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management , 1 (1), 54-73, 2010.
  6. Golias, M., Boile, M., Theofanis, S., & Efstathiou, C. (2010), “The Berth-Scheduling Problem: Maximizing Berth Productivity and Minimizing Fuel Consumption and Emissions Production”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board , 2166, 20-27, 2010.
  7. Isacker, K. V., Goranova-Valkova, M., Chalkia, E., Bekiaris, E., Votis, K., Tzovaras, D. (2010), “Accessible Web Design a Burden? - Lessons learned from the Accessible Project”, European Journal of ePractice, 2010.
  8. Laventhal, W., Theofanis, S., & Boile, M. (2010), “Trends in Global Port Operations and Their Influence on Port Labor: Challenges and Implications for U.S. East Coast Longshoremen”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2166), 37-43, 2010.
  9. Saharidis G.K., Golias M.M., Boile M., Theofanis S., Ierapetritou M. (2010), “The berth scheduling problem with customer differentiation: A new methodological approach based on hierarchical optimization”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 46, Numbers 1-4 pp. 377-393, 2010.
  10. Saharidis, G. K., Boile, M., & Theofanis, S. (2010) “Initialization of the Benders Master Problem Using Valid Inequalities Applied to Fixed-charge Network Problems”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (6), 6627-6636, 18 November, 2010.
  11. Saharidis, G., Golias, M., Boile, M., Theofanis, S., & Ierapetritou, M. (2010), “The Berth Scheduling Problem With Customer Differentiation: a New Methodological Approach Based on Hierarchical Optimization”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46, 377-393, 2010.
  12. Scholliers J., Joshi S., Gemou M., Hendriks F., Aust M. L., Luoma J., Netto M., Engstrom J., Olsson S. L., Kutzner R., Tango F., Amditis A., Blosseville J. M., Bekiaris E. (2010), “Development and Application of an Integrated Evaluation Framework for Preventive Safety Applications”, Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Journal, Manuscript: Special Issue on ITS and Road Safety, T-ITS-09-12-0244.R1, 2010.
  13. Zhang, T., Saharidis, G. K., Theofanis, S., & Boile, M. (2010), “Scheduling of Inbound and Outbound Trucks at Cross-Docks: Modeling and Analysis”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2162), 9-16, 2010.

Edited Volumes

  1. Bekiaris E., Gemou, M., & Kalogirou, K. (2010), “Embedded user interface for mobile applications to satisfy design for all principles”, In M. Rita (Ed.), User Interfaces (pp. 165-190). INTECH, 2010.
  2. Mavridou E., Tzovaras, D., Bekiaris, E., Spanidis, P., Gemou, M., & Hassapis, G. (2010), “Embedded User Interface for web, mobile and desktop applications to satisfy Design for All principles”, In Trends and developments in automotive engineering, INTECH, Επιστημονικές Δημοσιεύσεις/Scientific Publications 2010 [ 33 ] Eτήσιος Απολογισμός, Αnnual Report 2010.

Conference Proceedings

Aifadopoulou G., Hatziioannidou F., (2010), “Multimodal transport system simulation for containerized freight flows”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research in Greece, Volos, Greece, 27-28 September 2010.

Aifadopoulou G., Mouskos K., Salanova Grau J.M., Chrysohoou E., Mitsakis E., (2010), “Combination of macro & micro transport simulation models for supporting integrated mobility planning”, Urban Transport 2010, 16th International Conference on Urban Transport & the Environment, Limassol, 5-7 May, 2010.

Annund, A., Renner, L., Dukic, T., Nikolaou, S., Chalkia, E., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Integrated system for safe transportation of children to school - SAFEWAY2SCHOOL”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Bekiaris E. et al, (2010), “SAFERIDER - Advanced telematics for enhancing the safety and comfort of motorcycles riders”, 17th ITS World Congress 2010, Busan, 25-29 October, 2010.

Bekiaris, E. & Gemou, M. (2010), “Use cases towards all inclusive maistream ICT”, FOSS-AMA (Free and Open Source Software-for Accessible Mainstream Applications), ETAPS 2010 Satellite event, Paphos, Greece, 27-28 March, 2010.

Bekiaris, E., & Gaitatzi, O. (2010), “Use cases and scenarios for remote support of the elderly to live autonomously alone”, ITS-Africa 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Durban, 19-21 May, 2010.

Boile M., Golias M., Ivey S. (2010), “A Bayesian hierarchical network for truck demand modeling” Proceedings of the Innovations in freight demand modeling and data: A Transportation Research Board SHRP 2 symposium, Crowne Plaza Hotel – Dulles Airport, Washington D.C, 2010.

Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, E., & Spanidis, P. (2010), “ACCESS2ALL Project: Best practices database for accessible transportation”. 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010), Hong Kong, 2-4 June, 2010.

Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M., & Tzovaras, D. (2010), “Evaluation and impact analysis of a holistic dangerous goods cooperative system. 13th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Submission - ITSC 2010, Madeira, 19-22 September, 2010.

Bekiaris, E., Kalogirou, K., Gemou, M. (2010), “Java user interface libraries for developing mobile applications”, FOSS-AMA (Free and Open Source Software - for Accessible Mainstream Applications), ETAPS 2010 Satellite event, Paphos, Greece, 27-29 March, 2010.

Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., & Kalogirou, K. (2010), “Ambient intelligence in driving simulation for training young drivers”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu-Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Bekiaris, E., Spanidis, P., Gemou, M. (2010), “Intelligent Agents for Personalized Vehicle Configuration”, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion research 2010, KEER 2010, Paris, France, 2-4 March, 2010.

Chalkia, E. & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “ACCESSIBLE EU Project Use Cases”, 1st AEGIS Project Conference, Seville, 7-8 October, 2010.

Chalkia, E. & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “The ACCESSIBLE Software Applications Accessibility Assessment Tools and Evaluation Framework”, CONFIDENCE 2010 International Conference, Jyvaskyla, 9-10 December, 2010.

Chalkia, E., Bekiaris, E., Lopes, R., Kastori, G.-E., & Carrico, L. (2010), “Harmonisation of accessibility components in the context of ACCESSIBLE project”, The satellite event FOSS-AMA (Free and Open Source Software for Accessible Mainstream Applications) at ETAPS 2010 (European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software), Paphos, Greece, 27-28 March,2010.

Charalampous G., Gagatsi E. (2010), “Co-modality and Logistics. Can a European e-Logistics platform contribute to the European Policy towards co-modality”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 27-28 September 2010.

Diederichs, J.P., Ganzhorn, M., Widlroither, H., Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Montanari, R., et al. (2010), “SAFERIDER HMI strategies for for motorcycles’ ARAS and OBIS”, 17th ITS World Congress 2010, Busan, 25-29 October, 2010.

Espie, S., Bekiaris, E., & Nikolaou, S. (2010), “Naturalistic rider studies for the analysis of riders’ behavior and safety, 2BESAFE”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Gaitanidou, E., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Priority implementation scenarios for accessibility of public transport for mobility impaired users”, 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors & Ergonomics, (AHFE International 2010), Miami, 17-20 July, 2010.

Ganzhorn, M., Diederichs, F., Widlroither, H., Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Montanari, R., et al. (2010), 8 Internationale Motorradkonferenz 2010, Cologne, 4-5October, 2010.
Gemou, M., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “From user modeling to iterative design and development: The AEGIS IP UCD Approach”, Proceedings of CONFIDENCE 2010 International Conference, Jyvaskyla, 9-10 December, 2010.

Giannopoulos, G., Zacharaki, E., (2010), “Analysis of the spatial and personal characteristics that influence commuting travel behavior”, 12th WCTR 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-18 July, 2010.

Giannopoulos, G.A., Moschovou, T.P. (2010), “Investigating the Process of Inland Freight Transport Modal Choice in Greece, Part I: Parameters and attributes influencing freight mode choice”, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 10-14 January 2010.

Golias, G., Boile, Μ., Theofanis, S., & Saharidis, G. K. (2010), “The Yard to Berth Operations Resource Allocation Problem at Marine Container Terminals”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 2010.

Isacker, K.-V., Goranova-Valkova, M., Tsakou, G., Chalkia, E., Touliou, K. (2010), “Brain and skills training applications in a game based environment for older people”, Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability Conference, Nottingham Trent University. Nottingham, 26-27 October, 2010.

J.P., D., Ganzhorn, M., Widlroither, H., Bekiaris, E., Nikolaou, S., Montanari, R., et al. (2010), “SAFERIDER HMI strategies for for motorcycles’ ARAS and OBIS”, 17th ITS World Congress 2010, Busan, 25-29 October, 2010.

K., T., Portouli, E., Margaritis, D., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “An examination of the effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on the driving performance of patients suffering from sleep apnoea”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Kalogirou, K., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Design of accessibility framework for mobile devices Built-in accessibility framework for mobile devices”, 1st International AEGIS Conference, Seville, 7-8 October, 2010.

Kalogirou, K., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Java Micro Edition Accessibility Framework”, CONFIDENCE 2010 International Conference, Jyvaskyla, 9-10 December, 2010.

Kalogirou, K., & Telkamp, G. (2010), “An ontological framework for the elderly to control their home environment”, IST-Africa 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Durban, 19-21 May, 2010.

Kalogirou, K., & Telkamp, G. (2010), “An ontological framework for the elderly to control their home environment”, IST-Africa 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Durban, 19-21 May, 2010.

Katsoulis G., Mitsakis E., Politis I., Evangelidis K. (2010), “Απαιτήσεις Προσαρμογής Οδικών δικτύων και Τροφοδότησης Μαθηματικού Υποδείγματος δυναμικού Καταμερισμού της Κυκλοφορίας. Εφαρμογή στην Πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 27-28 September, 2010.

Kehagias, D., Tzovaras D., Mavridou, E., Kalogirou, K., Becker M. (2010), “Implementing an open reference architecture based on web service mining for the integration of distributed applications and multi-agent systems”, AAMAS 2010, Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction, Toronto, 11 May, 2010.

Kokkinos, J., & Tyrinopoulos, Y. (2010), “Critical Assessment of Systems and Technologies for Supporting Urban Mobility – Investigation of their Degree of Exploitation in Greece”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 2010.

Kotsiourou, C., Pagle, K., Amditis, A., & Gaitanidou, E. (2010), “Nomadic Devices in the vehicle environment: planning of Field Operational Tests in Greece”, 17th ITS World Congress. Busan, 2010.

Leuteritz, J.-P., Widlroither, H., & Panou, M. (2010), “User interfaces and strategies for guidance of elderly in emergencies through nomadic devices”, IST Africa 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Durban, 19-21 May, 2010.

Mavridou, E., Tzovaras, D., Bekiaris, E., Gemou, M., Hassapis, G. (2010), “A Data mining framework for CITARASA-based system”, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion research 2010, KEER 2010, Paris, France, 2-4 March, 2010.

Meinken, K., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Access 2 All - Innovative HMI concepts for barrier-free travelling”, 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors & Ergonomics, (AHFE International 2010), Miami, 17-20 July, 2010.

Melcher V., Leuteritz, J.-P., Panou, M., Leonidis, A. (2010), “OASIS HMI: Design for Elderly - A Challenge”, 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE ’10), Miami, 17-20 July 2010.

Mitsakis E., (2010), “Combined Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Optimal Traffic Control models”, EURO XXIV 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.

Mitsakis, Ε., Tyrinopoulos, Y., & Pein, I. (2010), “Fostering Networking and Cooperation Opportunities Addressing Regions with Seasonal Traffic Peaks”, Transportation research Board Congress 2010. Washington, 2010.

Moini, N., Boile, Μ., Laventhal, W., & Theofanis, S. (2010), “A Model to Estimate Container Dwell Time Using A Set of Determinants”, TRB Annual Meeting. Washington DC., 2010.

Montanari, R., Spadoni, A., Bekiaris, E., & Nikolaou, S. (2010), “SAFERIDER: CAN based architecture on 2- wheelers domain” 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Morfoulaki M., Chrysohoou E., Salanova J., (2010), “Development of a forecasting methodology for road network traffic data analysis using time series”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 27-28 September, 2010.

Morfoulaki M., Mitsakis E., (2010), “The Contribution of the Urban Mobility Management in the Trip Planning and the Environmental Upgrade”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 27-28 September, 2010.

Panou, M., Bekiaris, E., & Touliou, A. (2010), “ADAS module in driving simulation for training young drivers”, 13th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Submission, ITSC 2010, Madeira, 19-22 September, 2010.

Panou, M., Blythe, P., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Integrated safety & security for transportation hubs”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Panou, M., Touliou, K., Bekiaris, E., Gaitanidou, E., (2010), “Pedestrian and multimodal route guidance adaptation for elderly citizens”, ITS-Africa 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Durban, 19-21 May, 2010.

Pastor-Sanz, L., Fernandez-Rodriguez, M., Cabrera-Umpierrez, M., Arredondo, M., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Prevention and management of risk conditions of elderly people through the home environment monitoring”, 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, MEDICON 2010, Chalkidiki, Greece, 27-30 May, 2010.

Pavlis, Y., Giannopoulos, G.A. (2010), “Realizing the TransEuropean Road Network: Challenges, Approaches, and Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications for Providing Seamless Information to the European Traveler and Hauler”, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 10-14 January, 2010.

Saharidis, G. K., Theofanis, S., & Boile, Μ. (2010), “An Alternative Formulation for the Scheduling of Inbound Doors in Cross Docking Facilities”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 2010.

Schulze, H., Margaritis, D., Touliou, K., & Portouli, E. (2010), “Driving under the influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines – DRUID”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March,2010.

Theofanis, S., Betak, J., Boile, Μ., & Lee, H. (2010), “Growth Forecasting for Public Transit System Planning in a Changing World”, 12th Annual New Jersey Department of Transportation Research Showcase. NJ, 2010.

Touliou, K. & Margaritis, D. (2010), “Alcohol-impaired driving in vehicle simulated environment”, ICTR 2010, Volos, Greece, 27 September, 2010.

Touliou, K., Panou, M., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “Iterative ergonomic design and usability testing for elderly citizens applications”, 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors & Ergonomics (AIFE International 2010), Miami, July 17-20, 2010.

Touliou, K., Portouli, E., Margaritis, D., & Bekiaris, E. (2010), “An examination of the effects of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) treatment on the driving performance of patients suffering from sleep apnoea”, 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, 28-30 March, 2010.

Tyrinopoulos, Y., & Antoniou, C. (2010), “Analysis of Factors Affecting Public Transit User Satisfaction”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research. Volos, Greece, 27 September, 2010.

Tyrinopoulos, Y., & Giannopoulos, G. (2010), “Stimulating (sustainable) Freight Transport Synergies Between Latin America and Europe”, XVI Pan - American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics, Lisbon, 2010.

Tyrinopoulos, Y., Hiselious, W., & Kortsari, A. (2010), “An Innovative Method for the Classification of European Regions with Seasonal Transport Demand Variations”, Transport Research Arena. Brussels, 2010.

Tyrinopoulos, Y., Mitsakis, Ε., & Kortsari, A. (2010), “A Decision Support System for the Sustainable Handling of Seasonal Variations of Transport Demand”, 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010). Madeira, Portugal, 2010.

Tyrinopoulos, Y., Mitsakis, Ε., & Kortsari, A. (2010), “Solutions for handling seasonal variations of transport demand – An introduction to the DELTA Decision Support Tool”, 5th International Congress on Transportation Research, Volos, Greece, 2010.


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