- Aifadopoulou G., Morfoulaki M., Myrovali G., Pavlov D., Journal Periodica Polytechnica, (2014), “Mapping Investments for Improvement of Some Rail Hubs in South East Europe”, Transportation Engineering, Vol. 58, paper 7446, 2014, DOI:10.3311/PPtr.7446
- Boile, M., Sdoukopoulos E. (2014), “Supply Chain Visibility and Security – the SMART-CM project solution” International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. Vol.6, No. 3. pp. 280-292, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos, J.M. Salanova Grau. G. Aifadopoulou (2014), “Optimal allocation of emergency response services for managing disasters”, Disaster Prevention and Management 23 (4), 2014.
- E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos, M. Diakakis, J.M. Salanova Grau (2014), “Impacts of high-intensity storms on urban transportation applying traffic flow control methodologies for quantifying the effects”, International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 11 (8), pp. 2145-2154, 2014.
- E.Mitsakis, G.Aifadopoulou, J.M.Salanova Grau, E. Chrysohoou, M.Morfoulaki (2014), “Combination of macroscopic and microscopic transport simulation models: use case in Cyprus”, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2014.
- E.Mitsakis, I. Stamos, J.M.Salanova Grau, M.Morfoulaki (2014), “Bus drivers risk perception of roadway hazards”, PeriodicaPolytechnica - Transportation Engineering, 2014.
- Evans GD, Blythe PT, Panou M, Bekiaris E. (2014), “Evaluating Transport Technologies for Mitigating the Impact of Emergency Events: Findings from the SAVE ME Project”, International Journal of Transportation - Special Issue on Security in Surface Transportation Planning and Operations, 2(3), pp. 73-94, 2014.
- Gemou, M., & Bekiaris, E. (2014), “Protocol for Transferability of Driver Simulator Results to Real Traffic Conditions”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 6(1), pp. 74-89, 2014.
- Gemou, M., Bautista, J., Colomer, M., Cabrera-Umpierrez, M.F., de los Rios, S., Arredondo, M.T., Bekiaris, E. (2014), “Validation of Toolkits for developing 3rd generation Android accessible mobile applications”. In 3rd generation accessibility: Information and Communication Technologies towards universal access, Issue 15/1, Universal Access in the Information Society, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s10209-014-0377-9
- Iglesias-Pérez, A., Loitsch, C., Kaklanis, N., Votis, K., Stiegler, A., Kalogirou, K., ... & Weber, G. (2014), “Accessibility through Preferences: Context-Aware Recommender of Settings”, In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Methods for Universal Access (pp. 224- 235). Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- Ioannidou A-M., Pyrgidis C. (2014), “The Safety Level of Railway Infrastructure and Its Correlation with the Cost of Preventive and Mitigation Measures”, International Journal of Railway Research (IJRARE), Vol. 1, No 1, August 2014, pp. 19-30, 2014.
- J.G. Feliu, J.M. Salanova Grau & Adrien Beziat (2014), “A location-based accessibility analysis to estimate the suitability of urban consolidation facilities”, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 2014.
- J.M. Salanova, M.E.Romeu, C.Amat (2014), “Aggregated Modeling of Urban Taxi Services, ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences 160, pp. 352-361, 2014.
- Lee, H., Boile, M. and Theofanis, S. (2014), “Modeling Carrier Interactions in an International Freight Transportation System”, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 7(1), pp. 15-39, 2014.
- Lee, H., Boile, M., Theofanis, S. and Choo, S. (2014), “Game Theoretical Models of the Cooperative Carrier Behavior”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 18, Issue 5, pp. 1528-1538, 2014.
- Lee, H., Boile, M., Theofanis, S., Choo, S. and Lee, K. (2014), “A freight network planning model in oligopolistic shipping markets”, Cluster Computing, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 835-847, 2014.
- Mitsakis, E., Papanikolaou, A., Ayfadopoulou, G., Salanova, J., Doll, C., Giannopoulos, G., Zerefos, C., (2014), “An integrated framework for linking climate change impacts to emergency adaptation strategies for transport networks”. European Transport Research Review (ETRR), 6(2), pp. 103-111, January 2016.
- Stamos, E.Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova Grau, G. Aifadopoulou (2014), “Impact assessment of extreme weather events on transport networks: A data-driven approach, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment”, 2014.
- Theofanis S., Boile M. (2014), “The use of LNG in seaside and landside operations: Challenges and prospects”. Shipping, pp. 48-49, June 2014.
- Anagnostopoulou A., Sdoukopoulos, M. Boile, edited by: G. Guedes Soares and F. Lopez Pena (2014), “Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources - Volume 2 Maritime Transportation: Assessing the impact of marine terminal gate operational and infrastructure improvements”. ISBN: 978-1-138-00162-6. pp. 625, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. Access online at: , 2014
- E. Mitsakis, E. Chrysohoou (2014), “Network modelling. Encyclopedia of Transportation”. SAGE Publications, pp. 984-987, ISBN: 9781452267791.
- E. Mitsakis, G. Aifadopoulou, P. Iordanopoulos (2014), “Intelligent Transport Systems in South-East Europe”, ISBN: 978-618-80673-2-5.
- E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos (2014), “Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Encyclopedia of Transportation”. SAGE Publications, pp. 15-16, ISBN: 9781452267791.
- E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos (2014), “Transportation Modeling and Planning Software. Encyclopedia of Transportation”. SAGE Publications, pp. 1523-1528, ISBN: 9781452267791.
- E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova (2014), “Route assignment models. Encyclopedia of Transportation”. SAGE Publications, pp. 1186-1190, ISBN: 9781452267791.
- E. Mitsakis, P. Iordanopoulos (2014), “Intelligent Transport Systems. Encyclopedia of Transportation”. SAGE Publications, pp. 818-820, ISBN: 9781452267791.
- Theofanis S., M. Boile., edited by: H. Meersman, E. Van de Voorde, T. Vanelslander (2014), “Port Infrastructure Finance – Chapter 8: Experiences with Bond Financing and Innovative Transport Project Financing in the United States – Some Evidence from Port and Port Related Projects”, June 2014.
- Bekiaris, E., Kalogirou K., Panou, M., Maglaveras, N., (2014), “Ambient intelligence framework for web services aimed at elderly users”, In IST-Africa 2014 Conference, Mauritius, 06-09 May, 2014.
- Boile M., Sdoukopoulos E. and Anagnostopoulou A. (2014), “Evaluating strategies to improve access to marine container terminals and streamline gate operations”, In the proceedings of the 5th Transport Research Arena (TRA), Access online at:, Paris, France, 14-17 April, 2014.
- Chalkia E., Colomer, M., de los Rios, S., Carmona, I. (2014), “Evaluating the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure: Cloud4all evaluation framework”, In 16th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII), Crete, Greece, 22-27 June, 2014.
- Chalkia, E., Grau, J. M. S., Bekiaris, E., Ayfandopoulou, G., Ferarini, C., &Mitsakis, E. (2014), “Routing Algorithms for the Safe Transportation of Pupils to School Using School Buses”, In Transport Research Arena (TRA) 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, pp. 450, 2014.
- Chrysostomou K., Iordanopoulos P., Aifadopoulou G., Mitsakis E., Morfoulaki M., (2014), «Thessaloniki Smart City»: Overview of the city’s intelligent mobility systems», ITS 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- E. Chalkia, J.M.S. Grau, E. Bekiaris, G. Aifadopoulou, C.Ferarini, E. Mitsakis (2014), “Routing algorithms for the safe transportation of pupils to school using school buses”, Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, 14-17 April, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos, S. Basbas, M. Aggelakis (2014), “Estimation of road traffic induced environmental pollutants based on a point-to-point traffic detection system”, 12th International Conference Protection & Restoration of the Environment, Skiathos, Greece, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos, S. Kral, C. Doll, M. Nokkala, J.M. Salanova, G. Aifadopoulou (2014), “A data driven method for assessing the resilience of the EU passenger transport network during extreme weather events”, Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA. 2014
- E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova Grau, G. Aifadopoulou, E. Mintsis, G. Tsoukos (2014), “Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems for freight transport”, ECITL 2014, European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics, Dortmund, Germany, 5-7 November 2014.
- E. Mitsakis, P. Tona, J. Vreeswijk, G. Alcaraz, R. Blanco, Z. Jeftic, J.M. Salanova Grau (2014), “Large scale deployment of cooperative mobility systems in Europe: COMPASS4D”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Connected Vehicles 2014, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
- G. Giannopoulos, A Aparicio, E Mitsakis, K. Chrysostomou (2014), “Joint Research Programming and Harmonised Governance Regimes for Increased International Transport Research Cooperation”, Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, 14-17 April, 2014.
- G. Giannopoulos, G. Aifadopoulou, E. Bekiaris, M. Panou, K. Touliou, I. Stamos , E. Mitsakis, J. M. Salanova Grau (2014), “ICT perception of elderly people and the role of infomobility services in their everyday mobility”, 2014 Ageing and safe society conference, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, 2014
- Gagatsi E., Giannopoulos G, Aifandopoulou G., (2014), “Supporting Policy Making in maritime transport by means of Multi-Actors Multi-Criteria Analysis: a methodology developed for the Greek maritime transport system", Transportation Research Arena TRA-2014 Conference, Paris, France, 2014.
- Gemou, M., & Bekiaris, E. (2014), “Simulator vs. Real Traffic Conditions: How different parameters influence transferability of results”, In Transport Research Arena (TRA) 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, pp. 240. 2014.
- Giannopoulos G., Aparicio A., Mitsakis E., Chrysostomou K., (2014), “Joint research programming and harmonized governance regimes for increased international transport research cooperation”, TRA 2014, Paris, France, 2014.
- Giannopoulos, G., Aifadopoulou, G., Bekiaris, E., Panou, M., Touliou, K., Mitsakis, E., Stamos, I., Salanova Grau, J.M. (2014), “ICT perception of elderly people and the role of infomobility services in their everyday mobility”, In Ageing and Mobility Conference, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, 27-28 November 2014,.
- Giannopoulos, G.A., Aparicio, A., Mitsakis, E., Chrysostomou, K., (2014), “Joint research programming and harmonised governance regimes for increased international transport research cooperation", Proceedings Transportation Research Arena TRA-2014 Conference, Paris, France, April 2014.
- Grigoropoulos G., Chrysostomou K., Iordanopoulos P., Mitsakis E., (2014), “Users’ assessment and acceptance of ATIS: The case of Thessaloniki SEE-ITS system”, ITS 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- Iordanopoulos P., Chrysostomou K., Papailiou S., Mitsakis E., (2014), “Temporal development of the level of traffic calming measures' acceptance by road users”, TRA 2014, Paris, France, 2014.
- J. M. Salanova (2014), “Big data processing: Floating car data” 2nd DATA SIM Summer School on 'Mobility modeling and big data sources' Hasselt, The Netherlands, July 14-17, 2014.
- J. M. Salanova Grau, E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos, G. Aifadopoulou (2014), “Big urban probe data for the provision of advanced traveler information services and traffic management schemes”, NSF Workshops on Big Data and Urban Informatics, Chicago, U.S.A, 2014.
- J. M. Salanova, M. Estrada, C. Amat (2014), “Aggregated modeling of urban taxi services”, 11th Transport Engineering Conference (CIT 2014) Santander, Spain, 9-11 June, 2014.
- J.G. Feliu, J.M. Salanova Grau (2014), “How the location of urban consolidation and logistics facility have an impact on the delivery costs? An accessibility analysis”, Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, 14- 17 April, 2014.
- J.G. Feliu, J.M. Salanova Grau (2014), “VRP algorithms for decision support systems to evaluate collaborative urban freight transport systems, I-ESA 2014 Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications, Albi, France, 24-28 March 2014.
- Kotoula K., Morfoulaki M., Mizaras V., Kotsopoulos D., (2014), “Development of an integrated system for safe student transport”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- Loitsch, C., Chalkia, E., Bekiaris, E., Weber, G,. (2014), “Tailored versus prioritised configuration towards accessibility”, In 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Crete, Greece, 22-27 June, 2014.
- Mamarikas S., Iordanopoulos P., Mitsakis E., Salanova Grau J.M., Chrysostomou K., (2014), “Evaluation of Intelligent Transport Systems; The methodological framework of SEE-ITS project”, ITS 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- Margaritis D. and Tromaras A., (2014), “Current trends of the electric commercial vehicles”, AptSTEP Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16 – 17 October, 2014.
- Médevielle, J-P., Bekiaris, E., Murier-Mendoza, L., &Loukea, M. (2014), “Towards the initiation of joint research priorities in the area of transport”, In Transport Research Arena (TRA) 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, pp. 247, 2014.
- Morfoulaki M., Kotoula K., Chrysostomou K., Myrovali G., Vassilantonakis B.M., (2014),“An advanced Traveler Information System for informing Tourists and Promoting Public Transport”, 2nd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, Volos, Greece, 5-6 May 2014.
- Morfoulaki M., Kotoula K., Myrovali G., Chrysostomou K., Stathakopoulos A., Batsoulis A., (2014), “Investigating the implementation of potential strategies for enhancing urban mobility and city logistics system in the island of Corfu”, Sustainable City, 9th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Sienna, Italy, 23-25 September 2014.
- Morfoulaki M., Myrovali G., Chrysostomou K., (2014), «PROMOTING RAIL & INTERMODAL TRIPS IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE», ETC Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 2014.
- Morfoulaki Μ., Aifadopoulou G, Kotoula K., Chrysostomou K., (2014), "Enhancing Sustainable Mobility in the Cross Border Area of Greece-Bulgaria Using Advanced Information Systems" , TRA 2014, Paris, France, 2014.
- P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis, R. Rijavec, A. Hausmann, W. Kernstock (2014), “Requirements for interoperable intelligent transport system deployment in South East Europe”, ISEP 2014, Ljubljana, Croatia, 2014.
- P. Iordanopoulos, K. Chrysostomou, S. Papailiou, E. Mitsakis (2014), “Temporal development of the level of traffic calming measures' acceptance by road users”, Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, 14-17 April, 2014.
- Pagle, K., Amditis, A., Touliou, K., Gaitanidou, E., Bekiaris, E., & Haniotis, K. (2014), “Assessing the Impact of Nomadic Devices Applications Usage in Road Transportation of Sensitive Goods–The HERMES Approach”, In Transport Research Arena (TRA) 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, pp. 266, 2014.
- Panou, M., Bekiaris, E., (2014), “Applying software engineering to build an adaptive driver assistance warning HMI”, In IST-Africa2014 Conference, Mauritius, 06-09 May, 2014.
- Papanikolaou A., Tromaras A., Aggelakakis A., Boile M., (2014), “Future transport scenario building and development for long term sustainable decision making”, 2nd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, Volos, Greece, 5 – 6 May, 2014.
- Perrels, C. Doll, E. Mitsakis, A. Harjanne, D. Jaroszewski, M. Kreuz, K. Loikkanen, I. Stamos, A. Temme, A. Tuominen (2014), “Attenuating disruptive effects of bad weather on air travel – minimizing numbers of stranding travelers”, The World Weather Open Science Conference 2014, Montreal, Canada, 2014.
- Pitsiava – Latinopoulou M., Melios G., Gavanas N., Tsakalidis A., Aggelakakis A., Kouridis C., (2014), “Development of a system of environmental and energy consumption data for urban road traffic. Pilot application in Thessaloniki, Greece”, Transport Research Arena - TRA 2014, 5th Conference, La Defense CNIT, Paris, France, 14–17 April, 2014.
- Sdoukopoulos A., Aggelakakis A., Verani E., Tsakalidis A., Gavanas N., (2014), “Is the environmental impact a sufficient criterion for sustainable urban transport planning in a period of financial crisis?”, 12th International Conference on “Protection & Restoration of the Environment – PRE12”, Skiathos, Greece, 29 June–4 July, 2014.
- Sdoukopoulos E., Boile M. and Anagnostopoulou A. (2014), “Estimating Truck Operating Costs for Domestic Trips – Case Studies from Greece”, 11th International Conference on Logistics & Sustainable Transport, Celje, Slovenia, 19-21 June, 2014.
- Stamos I., Mitsakis E., Morfoulaki M., Kotoula K., Aifadopoulou G., Mirovali G., (2014), “Assessing the impact of ICT on rail transport”, 2nd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, Volos, Greece, 5-6 May 2014.
- Stamos Ι., Ε. Mitsakis, J.M.S. Grau, G. Aifadopoulou (2014), “A methodology for assessing the impacts of enhanced rail services in South East Europe”, Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, 14-17 April, 2014.
- Touliou, A., Gaitanidou, E., & Bekiaris, E. (2014), “The Impact of Navigation Support and Traffic Information on Distance Keeping Behavior”, In Transport Research Arena (TRA) 5th Conference: Transport Solutions from Research to Deployment, pp. 294, 2014.
- Van Elslande P., Feypell-de la Beaumelle V., Holgate J., Redant K., Solère H., Margaritis, D., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., de Craen S., Inge Haslie L., Muguiro J., Granström P. O. (2014), “ Mobility and Safety of Powered Two-Wheelers in the OECD countries”, TRA Conference, Paris, France, April 2014.
- Boile M., Anagnostopoulou A., Sdoukopoulos E. and Papapanagiotakis G. (2014), “Public Transport Emissions Monitoring”, 2nd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, Access online at:, Volos, Greece, 5–6 May, 2014.Volos, Greece.
- Chatziathanasiou M., Kortsari A., Tyrinopoulos Y., (2014), "A critical overview of ICT deployment in transport in Europe", ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- E. Tsakiridiou, K. Konstantinou, A. Stamelou, P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis (2014), “Regional ITS action plan of Central Macedonia”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- E. Tsakiridiou, K. Konstantinou, A. Stamelou, P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis (2014), “Regional ITS action plan of Central Macedonia”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November, 2014.
- G. Aifadopoulou, E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova Grau, V. Mizaras, G. Sarros, T. Giannopoulos (2014), “Cooperative services for safe and sustainable mobility: the case of Thessaloniki”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- G. Aifadopoulou, E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova Grau, V. Mizaras, G. Sarros, T. Giannopoulos (2014), “Cooperative services for safe and sustainable mobility: the case of Thessaloniki”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November, 2014.
- G. Grigoropoulos, K. Chrysostomou, P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis (2014), “Users' assessment and acceptance of ATIS: the case of Thessaloniki's SEE-ITS system”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- G. Grigoropoulos, K. Chrysostomou, P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis (2014), “Users' assessment and acceptance of ATIS: the case of Thessaloniki's SEE-ITS system”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- Gagatsi E., Giannopoulos G, Pyrgidis Ch., Aifandopoulou G., (2014), “A combined MCDA approach for facilitating maritime transportation policies evaluation”, 3rd International Symposium & 25th National Conference on Operational Research, Volos, 26-28 June, 2014.
- J.M. Salanova Grau, E. Mitsakis, G. Aifadopoulou, P. Tzenos, J. Tamiakis, I. Stamos (2014), “Traffic forecasting model for cities with ports”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- J.M. Salanova Grau, E. Mitsakis, G. Aifadopoulou, P. Tzenos, J. Tamiakis, I. Stamos (2014), “Traffic forecasting model for cities with ports”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November, 2014.
- K. Chrysostomou, P. Iordanopoulos, G. Aifadopoulou, E. Mitsakis, M. Morfoulaki (2014), “Thessaloniki Smart City: Overview of intelligent mobility applications”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19- 22 November 2014.
- K. Chrysostomou, P. Iordanopoulos, G. Aifadopoulou, E. Mitsakis, M. Morfoulaki (2014), “Thessaloniki Smart City: Overview of intelligent mobility applications”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, 19- 22 November, 2014.
- Papanikolaou, S. Basbas, J.M. Salanova (2014), “An analytical approach for designing efficient transit networks for Demand Responsive Transport services (DRT) in low demand areas”, 2nd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility. Volos, Greece, 5-6 May, 2014.
- Papanikolaou, S. Basbas, J.M. Salanova (2014), “An analytical approach for designing efficient transit networks for Demand Responsive Transport services (DRT) in low demand areas”, 2nd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility. Volos, Greece, 5-6 May, 2014.
- S. Mamarikas, P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova Grau, K. Chrysostomou (2014), “Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems: The methodological framework of the SEE-ITS project”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- S. Mamarikas, P. Iordanopoulos, E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova Grau, K. Chrysostomou (2014), “Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems: The methodological framework of the SEE-ITS project”, ITS and Smart Cities 2014, Patras, Greece, 19-22 November 2014.
- Stamos, E. Mitsakis (2014), “A review on climate change adaptation policies for the transportation sector”, 5th International Scientific Conference on "Energy and Climate Change", Athens, Greece, 11-12 October 2014.
- Stamos, E. Mitsakis (2014), “A review on climate change adaptation policies for the transportation sector”, 5th International Scientific Conference on "Energy and Climate Change", Athens, Greece, 11-12 October 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Assessing climate change adaptation: methods and tools”, DG Enlargement – TAIEX & Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications in Turkey, Ankara, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Climate change and transportation: The way forward”, Keynote speech, MOWE-IT Regional Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Cooperative mobility systems deployment: EU perspectives and outlook”, Global Symposium on Connected Vehicles and Infrastructure, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Data issue and data-driven approaches for estimating climate change impacts on transport systems and networks”, DG Enlargement – TAIEX & Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications in Turkey, Ankara, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Impacts of Climate change on multimodal transport systems, services and infrastructures”, workshop on adaptation to current and future impacts of climate change in the transport sector, DG Enlargement – TAIEX & Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications in Turkey, Ankara, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Intelligent Transport Systems in South-East Europe”, ITS Romania Congress 2014, Bucharest, Romania, 30-31 October, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Paradigm shift: The future of ITS”, Keynote speech, ITS Next: the Final Event of SEE-ITS, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Smart mobility in smart cities”, Keynote speech, 3rdCityHub workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Technologies and solutions for smart cities: C-ITS in Thessaloniki”, 10th ITS European Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Urban mobility vs urban logistics: Passenger and freight transport in urban areas”, TRA 2014,Paris, France, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis (2014), “Urban mobility vs Urban logistics: Technological solutions for bridging the gap between passenger and freight transport in urban areas”, 10th ITS European Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 2014.
- E. Mitsakis, J.M. Salanova, I. Stamos, V. Mintsis, P. Iordanopoulos (2014), “Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems”, RSA workshop "Theory and practice of using ICT to facilitate smart and green regional development: best practice, evaluation and future challenges for multi-level governance", Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014.
- J. M. Salanova Grau, E. Mitsakis, I. Stamos, G. Aifadopoulou (2014), “Big urban probe data for the provision of advanced traveler information services and traffic management schemes”, NSF Workshops on Big Data and Urban Informatics, Chicago, U.S.A., 2014.